Category : Routing

go_router The goal of the go_router package is to simplify use of the Router in Flutter as specified by the MaterialApp.router constructor. By default, it requires an implementation of the RouterDelegate and RouteInformationParser classes. These two implementations themselves imply the definition of a third type to hold the app state that drives the creation of the Navigator. You can read an excellent blog post on these requirements on Medium. This ..

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nav_stack A simple but powerful path-based routing system, based on MaterialApp.router (Nav 2.0). It has browser / deeplink support and maintains a history stack as new routes are added. Internally NavStack uses an IndexedStack to maintain a stateful list of routes which are defined declaratively and bound to the current MaterialApp.router path. It also provides a flexible imperative API for changing ..

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Check out the new docs! Introduction Installation Setup and Usage Generated routes Navigation Passing Arguments Working with Paths Nested Routes Finding The Right Router Introduction What is AutoRoute? It’s a Flutter navigation package, it allows for strongly-typed arguments passing, effortless deep-linking and it uses code generation to simplify routes setup, with that being said it ..

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The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter. Features Simple route navigation Function handlers (map to a function instead of a route) Wildcard parameter matching Querystring parameter parsing Common transitions built-in Simple custom transition creation Version Compatability See CHANGELOG for all breaking (and non-breaking) changes. Getting started You should ensure that you add the router as ..

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