Category : State Management

Cliptopia Cliptopia is a state-of-the-art clipboard management software for the Linux desktops that turns your simple clipboard into a full-fledged ⚡power house⚡ Cliptopia watches not only your texts but also any emojis, colors, commands, web images, screenshots or any local file/directory that you copy and then, it provides a full-fledged powerful interface supporting advanced searching and filtering which ..

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Show some  and star the repo to support the project Flutter Shopping app example In this project I use Getx for State management, Dio for HTTP client and Hive for the local database. Products api is for fakestoreapi. This example learn you how to: Setup getx and sizer in main.dart Initializes hive and registers adapter in main.dart Get data from server with dio ..

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GetX lib DI pattern Dependency Injection is a great design pattern that allows us to eliminate rigid dependencies between elements and it makes the application more flexible, easy to expand scales and maintain. In the project we use Plugin getX to implement DI and we have also defined classes so you can easily implement DI in the DI layer. Routes We ..

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love A state management library that is functional, elegant and predictable. Why love has DNA of ReactiveX, Redux and RxFeedback. so it is: Unified – one is all, all is one (System<State, Event>) Declarative – system are first declared, effects begin after run is called Predictable – unidirectional data flow Flexible – scale well with complex app Elegant – code ..

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 Shop State Management  App for Shop Management and State Management Learning  Links   Repo ·  Got Issue  Features Authentication System Using Firebase Auth Add Products Place order Manage Products  Installation Steps Clone the repository git clone Go into the Project Directory Install dependencies flutter pub get Run the app flutter run/Flutter run –release  Available Commands Install dependencies ..

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The Movie DB App with Flutter GetX A new Flutter TheMovieDB Application example with GetX State Management Register and get Api Key from The Movie DB Website After that in url.dart, change ‘YOUR.API_KEY’ with your key. Available in all your devices. Mobile: Desktop: Web: Different Scaffolds for different platforms: Mobile: Desktop: Web: Download Movie DB App source code ..

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Flutter Control is complex library to maintain App and State management.Library merges multiple functionality under one hood. This approach helps to tidily bound separated logic into complex solution. import ‘package:flutter_control/core.dart’; App State Management – Managing application state, localization, theme and other global App changes. Widget State Management – UI / Logic separation. Controlling State and UI updates. ..

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GeoFlutterFire  GeoFlutterFire is an open-source library that allows you to store and query a set of keys based on their geographic location. At its heart, GeoFlutterFire simply stores locations with string keys. Its main benefit, however, is the possibility of retrieving only those keys within a given geographic area – all in realtime. GeoFlutterFire uses ..

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VxState VxState is a state management library built for Flutter apps with focus on simplicity. It is inspired by StoreKeeper & libraries like Redux, Vuex etc with the power of streams. Here is a basic idea of how it works: Single Store (Single source of truth) to keep app’s data Structured modifications to store with ..

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Imperative Flutter Manage the state of your widgets using imperative programming concepts. Setup Intall imperative_flutter package in pubspec.yaml dependencies: imperative_flutter: ^0.0.2 Then it’s just import in your code import ‘package:imperative_flutter/imperative_flutter.dart’; Usage ImperativeProvider is responsible for storing and handling the references for ImperativeBuilder, it can be global scope when MaterialApp is his child or local scope when Scaffold is your child. class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { ..

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InjectorX Dependence management from Flutter The idea for InjectorX came about to make it easier to control and maintain dependency injections in a flutter project with Clean Architecture. The main difference InjectorX for the main packages already available is the injection control by context, thus decentralizing the injections and not instantiating what you don’t need outside ..

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yaz Yaz Package for State, Content and User’s Options Managements Introduction This package is supported for Web, Mobile and Desktop applications. Yaz Package is consisted of two parts; 1) State Management Demo App Video Yaz Package is a state management package in the first place. It uses only ChangeNotifier for the whole process, due to this it ..

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ebaymotor with flutter

Learn how we avoided the state management debate when building the eBay Motors app. When we discuss the eBay Motors app, the question we are most often asked is, “Which state management solution does eBay Motors use?” The simple answer is we mostly manage state in StatefulWidgets, using Provider or InheritedWidgets to expose this state ..

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Welcome to Riverpod! This project can be considered as a rewrite of provider to make improvements that would be otherwise impossible. For learning how to use Riverpod, see its documentation: Long story short: Declare your providers as global variables:final myNotifierProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((_) { return MyNotifier(); }); class MyNotifier extends ChangeNotifier { int count; // TODO: typical ChangeNotifier logic } ..

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fvm Flutter Version Management: A simple cli to manage Flutter SDK versions. FVM helps with the need for a consistent app builds by allowing to reference Flutter SDK version used on a per-project basis. It also allows you to have multiple Flutter versions installed to quickly validate and test upcoming Flutter releases with your apps, ..

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Languages: English (this file), Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish,Polish. About Get  GetX is an extra-light and powerful solution for Flutter. It combines high performance state management, intelligent dependency injection, and route management in a quick and practical way. GetX has 3 basic principles, this means that this is the priority for all resources in the library PERFORMANCE: GetX is focused ..

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crypted_preferences Flutter preferences management with crypto capabilities For now preferences are not crypted, I’m waiting for FFI to land 🙂 But you can still use this package to have multiple preferences files in Desktop, mobile and web. Usage API Get and set preference: Getter have an optional param defaultValue if the preference if not set. dynamic get(key) ..

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mobx.dart MobX for the Dart language. Supercharge the state-management in your Dart apps with Transparent Functional Reactive Programming (TFRP) Introduction Core Concepts Observables Computed Observables Actions Reactions Contributing Introduction MobX is a state-management library that makes it simple to connect the reactive data of your application with the UI. This wiring is completely automatic and feels ..

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A super-powerful flutter state management library inspired with MVC pattern with very flexible dependency injection. MAJOR UPDATE: v1.1.7 FULL DOCUMENTATION: Recommended Advance Example App Old README can be found here Features Very flexible Dependency Injection to easily instantiate any dependencies once and reuse multiple times across the app. Persistence support for states and routing. Use any storage provider. Time travel (undo/redo) ..

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State Persistence Persist state across app launches. By default this library store state as a local JSON file called data.json in the applications data directory. You can change this filename by providing another storage mechanism. If you do not want to store your persisted app state as a JSON file you can extend PersistedStateStorage and provide your own methods ..

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StateMachine A Kotlin DSL for the finite state machine. StateMachine is used in Scarlet Usage In this example, we create a StateMachine from the following state diagram. Define states, event, and side effects: sealed class State { object Solid : State() object Liquid : State() object Gas : State() } sealed class Event { object OnMelted : Event() object ..

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A library for finite state machine realization in Dart. Inspired by Tinder StateMachine library. Usage A simple usage example (using dfunc library for generating sealed classes): import ‘package:dfunc/dfunc.dart’; import ‘package:fsm/fsm.dart’; part ‘fsm_example.g.dart’; void main() { final machine = StateMachine<State, Event, SideEffect>.create((g) => g ..initialState(Solid()) ..state<Solid>((b) => b ..on<OnMelted>( (Solid s, OnMelted e) => b.transitionTo(Liquid(), LogMelted()))) ..state<Liquid>((b) => b ..

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Languages: English, Brazilian Portuguese. Get is an extra-light and powerful library for Flutter that will give you superpowers and increase your productivity. Navigate without context, open dialogs, snackbars or bottomsheets from anywhere in your code, Manage states and inject dependencies in an easy and practical way! Get is secure, stable, up-to-date, and offers a huge range of ..

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context_extentions Getting inherited widget’s state var themeData = context.theme; var scaffold = context.scaffold; var navigator = context.navigator; var overlay = context.overlay; var mediaQuery = context.mediaQuery; Theme properties var textTheme = context.textTheme; var colorPrimary = context.primaryColor; var colorAccent = context.accentColor; var colorCanvas = context.canvasColor; var colorBackground = context.BackgroundColor; Navigator helpers context.push((c) => NaxtPage()); context.pop(); MediaQuery properties ..

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An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states. Overview hydrated_bloc exports a HydratedStorage interface which means it can work with any storage provider. Out of the box, it comes with its own implementation: HydratedBlocStorage. HydratedBlocStorage is built on top of path_provider for a platform-agnostic storage layer. The out-of-the-box storage implementation reads/writes to file using the toJson/fromJson methods on HydratedBloc and should ..

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states_rebuilder states_rebuilder is a flutter state management solution that allows for clear and sharp separation of concern between the user interface (UI) logic and the business logic. The separation is clear and sharp to the point that the business logic is written with pure, vanilla, plain old dart classes without extending any external library-specific classes and ..

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A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern. Overview The goal of this library is to make it easy to separate presentation from business logic, facilitating testability and reusability. Documentation Official Documentation Bloc Package Flutter Bloc Package Angular Bloc Package Migration Upgrade from v0.x to v2.x Dart Counter – an example of how to create a CounterBloc (pure ..

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