Category : Table

Flutter Tutorial – Sortable DataTable Create a DataTable with Flutter to display data in columns, rows, and cells and also learn how to sort the data within the table.  Preview App Preview Course Preview Download Sortable DataTable source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..

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flex_grid The FlexGrid control provides a powerful and quickly way to display data in a tabular format. It is including that frozened column/row,loading more, high performance and better experience in TabBarView/PageView. parameter description default frozenedColumnsCount The count of forzened columns 0 frozenedRowsCount The count of forzened rows 0 cellBuilder The builder to create cell required ..

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flutter_cupertino_settings A Flutter widget to create an iOS settings-table (static TableView). import ‘package:flutter_cupertino_settings/flutter_cupertino_settings.dart’; CSWidgetStyle brightnessStyle = const CSWidgetStyle( icon: const Icon(Icons.brightness_medium, color: Colors.black54) ); CupertinoSettings( items: <Widget>[ const CSHeader(‘Brightness’), CSWidget(CupertinoSlider(value: 0.5), style: brightnessStyle), CSControl( nameWidget: Text(‘Auto brightness’), contentWidget: CupertinoSwitch(value: true), style: brightnessStyle, ), CSHeader(‘Selection’), CSSelection<int>( items: const <CSSelectionItem<int>>[ CSSelectionItem<int>(text: ‘Day mode’, value: 0), CSSelectionItem<int>(text: ‘Night ..

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reorderables Various reorderable, a.k.a. drag and drop, Flutter widgets, including reorderable table, row, column, wrap, and sliver list, that make their children draggable and reorder them within the widget. Parent widget only need to provide an onReorder function that is invoked with the old and new indexes of child being reordered. Usage To use this package, add reorderables as a dependency ..

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SQLfuzz Load random data into SQL tables for testing purposes. The tool can get the layout of the SQL table and fill it up with random data. Installation Usage Flags Package usage Installation MacOS Linux Windows You can download the Windows build here Build from source Usage Flags u: User for database connection p: Password for ..

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Json Table Widget This Flutter package provides a Json Table Widget for directly showing table from a json(Map). Supports Column toggle also. Live Demo: Live Data Testing: Features The table constructed isn’t the flutter’s native DataTable. The table is manually coded hence serves a great learning purpose on how to create simple tables manually in ..

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horizontal_data_table A Flutter Widget that create a horizontal table with fixed column on left hand side. Usage This shows Widget’s full customizations: Left side column(leftHandSideColumnWidth) and right side maximum scrollable area width(rightHandSideColumnWidth) are required to input. isFixedHeader is to define whether use fixed top row header. If true, headerWidgets is required. Default is false. This ..

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