Category : Timelines

Timeline A flutter package that allows you to create basic timelines on your flutter application. This is customizable and easy to plugin to your application. You will find the following features: A simple timeline with a title and a description Customizable color options for – Line, Title, Description and Background Tween animation on the line ..

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A powerful & easy to use timeline package for Flutter!  Caveat: This package is an early stage. Not enough testing has been done to guarantee stability. Some APIs may change. Examples Check it out on the web or look at the source code. Timeline status Package delivery tracking Process timeline More examples WIP  Features The timeline and each components are all WIDGET. Common ..

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flutter_timeline  a fully customizable & general timeline widget, based on real-world application references  fully customizable indicator dot  support spacing between indicator dot and lines  support spacing between event (items) but leaving the line connected  uses custom paint, but yet, indicator and body are fully customizable.  2 real-world demos  L2R support  supported & used by enterprise, constantly ..

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TimelineTile A package to help build customisable timelines in Flutter. Example You can access the example project for a Timeline Showcase. The Beautiful Timelines contains real world design examples. Or try the web demo Some use cases:  Timeline Showcase  Football Timeline  Activity Timeline  Success Timeline  Delivery Timeline  Weather Timeline Getting Started A Timeline consists in a group of TimelineTiles. To ..

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