Flutter Clock Welcome to Flutter Clock! See flutter.dev/clock for how to get started, submission requirements, contest rules, and FAQs. See a live demo with Flutter for Web! Example Analog Clock: Example Digital Clock: Download Source Code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
Category : UI
Circle Clock A clock created for the Flutter Clock challenge. Shaded circles representing hour, minute and second hands move across the screen, while the background flows through the colour spectrum every hour. This creates an ever-changing landscape throughout the day as the circles interact to create contrasting colours and interesting patterns. The clock gives an ..
Boating Download Boating clock Source Code on GitHub https://github.com/SpiciedCrab/Boating FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
BarBar Clock | Web demo Clock face for the Flutter Clock Challenge. This clock face shows time using negative space. Top and bottom bars move when time changes. In addition, clock face displays weather conditions, temperature and current date: Licenses: Clock face: BSD3 Oswald font: OFL weather-icons-lite font: OFL Download Flutter BarBar Clock Source Code on GitHub https://github.com/aednlaxer/flutter-clock-challenge-barbar FlutterappworldProvides the ..
Ants Clock by Stuart This is a Flutter project made by Stuart to provide a beautiful clock face for Flutter Clock Challenge. More info about the contest can be found at flutter.dev/clock. This how it looks in a sunny day 🙂 See the clock it in action A little bit of snow outside? Ants clock tells you: Is ..
Animal Clock This app is a good example of how adding animations can liven up a digital clock. The lion’s head bobbles along without any care in the world. That is, until the time change is detected at which point the lion gets startled. Don’t worry – he will quickly go back to bobbling. You ..
Agent clock A visualization of a clock using simple agents and physics. Description The digits of the clock are basically letters or svg paths. These paths are broken down into pieces. The pieces are positions which will get occupied with “agents”. These agents spawn at and have the goal to reach a random spot on ..
Sunset Reflections Clock A cold cathode display clock with a subtle reflection of a beautiful view in Spain: el Mirador de San Nicolás. The reflection shows the current position of the moon and the sun in the place where the picture of the view was taken. Description Sunset reflections is a face clock implemented for ..
Eventually Humanbeans Flutter Clock Challenge Submission by Milen Trendafilov (design, concept) and Boris Brestnichki (development) Concept: Bird visits Only once a day and stays for only one minute. You may not see it for weeks, sometimes you’ll only catch a glimpse of it flying away. But sometimes you and the bird will share a special ..
clock | View demo | Read article | Watch video | creativecreatorormaybenot‘s playful entry to the Flutter clock challenge (is it weird to say it like that?). This is a clock display that uses exclusively the Flutter Canvas to draw everything you see on screen. That means that there are no assets, no plugins, and ..
Cloom Clock This is the clock made with Flutter for the Flutter 2020 clock contest with colaboration with Francisco Frutuoso and code by Filipe Barroso Clock Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qR1kwGlh2p0KB2sFO8DKr1KbjKEix240/view Download Cloom Clock Source Code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
Flutter Particle Clock For my entry in the Flutter Clock Challenge I wanted to build something colorful, animated and playful that changes appearance with time. Ideally, I wanted it to look different every time I looked at it. I also wanted to explore the custom painting features of Flutter. ???????? I ended up with an ..
Creating Login & Register Screen Again and again not anymore, this is Boilerplate code for Login/Singin & Register/SignUp Screen just change the image update the text and DONE… (If this repo cross 30+ Stars I will add firebase login to this as well) Requirements Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows) Android Studio/Visual Studio ..
App Landing Page made with #Flutterweb Download source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
Info: Authentication + Splash Screen Flutter UI, UI created getting inspired from one share on the dribble with flutter. Rest App, with Firebase Auth + SplashScreen UI created getting inspired from one share on the dribble with flutter, after getting amazing response, Added Firebase Authentication To use just connect to firebase, All the things are ..
Here’s a Tinder Gold redesign concept for the popular dating app. UI created getting inspired from one shared on behance Try Now : https://tindergoldredesign.codemagic.app More things will be added as well so make sure to star the project Requirements Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows) Android Studio/Visual Studio Code Download Flutter Tinder Gold ..
Flutter Screens A collection of Login Screens, Buttons, Loaders and Widgets with attractive UIs, built with Flutter, ready to be used in your applications. Last Update: Added SlideListView Widget Screenshots And Usage SlideListView A widget that can be used to present two different views that can be toggled using a Floating Action Button. The views ..
flutter-chart-http You can learn: 1 2 3 4 Drawer Json in assets Http Line chart TabView Flare animation EventBus Bar chart Pie chart shared_preferences async Download Source Code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
❤️ Star ❤️ the repo to support the project or ????Follow Me.Thanks! flutter-animations This project will focus on animations. Articles Pictures Animation 02 Use the flare 2dimesion animation in the flutter? Animation 01 How to use the animation in the flutter? Download Source Code on GitHub https://github.com/nb312/flutter-animations FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps ..
Flutter Widgets ❤️ Star ❤️ the repo to support the project or ????Follow Me.Thanks! Facebook Page Twitter QQ Group Developer Flutter Open NieBin 963828159 NieBin What it is? The Project is a flutter examples of the flutter widgets. Some example contain articles and code about flutter widgets. The whole artcile is here: Flutter Widgets articles ..
❤️ Star ❤️ the repo to support the project or ????Follow Me.Thanks! Article Pictures Canvas tutorial 05 How to use the gesture with the custom painter in the flutter? Canvas tutorial 04 How to draw a pie chart and with a round angle in the flutter? Canvas tutorial 03 How to draw a regular round ..
More than 130+ pages in this beautiful app and more than 45 developers has contributed to it. flutter-ui-nice ❤️ Star ❤️ the repo to support the project or ????Follow Me.Thanks! Facebook Page Twitter Medium QQ Group Flutter Open NieBin Flutter Open 963828159 Contributors ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NieBin Echonox Mahesh Jamdade edgartrem srikanthbollojula Yasin ..
flutter_wallet_app Smart course app is a design implementaion of Wallet App designed by Muhammad Abdull Download App Android Screenshots HomePage Transfer money page iOS Screenshots HomePage Transfer money page Directory Structure Pull Requests I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 24-48 hours to respond to any issue or request. ..
Burn Off BurnOff app in Flutter inspired by a design in UpLabs Uplabs design Flutter rendering Download burn off template source code on GitHub https://github.com/huextrat/BurnOff FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
Taskist Taskist is a ToDo List app for Task Management inspired by the design below The app is using Firebase, you have to configure it from your side to test the app Download it on Android now: Taskist on Android Download it on iOS now: Taskist on iOS UI Design Taskist Download Taskist Source Code ..
The Gorgeous Login A login page built with flutter inspired by a design found on Uplabs Uplabs design Flutter rendering Contributors Code Contributors This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute]. Download Source Code on GitHub https://github.com/huextrat/TheGorgeousLogin FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
flutter_dojo Dojo, from Japanese “Dojo”. The main purpose of the flutter_dojo project is to help Flutter beginners quickly get started with Flutter development, and use this project to quickly establish Flutter’s knowledge architecture. flutter_dojo is mainly divided into the following parts: Widgets, UI Pattern, Develop UI Kit, Animations, Back-end Util. Experience Apk Download: flutter_dojo Design ..
A food ordering app built with flutter and firebase. [Still in development] Screenshots Issues with the build? Comment line 47 in android/app/build.gradle the line with multiDexEnabled true. Then uncomment after it. Download Flutter food ordering app on GitHub https://github.com/OLayemii/chyker-foods FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
Info: Full-screen menu for Flutter apps to give a user a broad variety of variants in a beautiful way. Installing: In your pubspec.yaml dependencies: full_screen_menu: ^0.1.1 import ‘package:full_screen_menu/full_screen_menu.dart’; Basic Usage: FullScreenMenu.show( context, items: [ FSMenuItem( icon: Icon(Icons.ac_unit, color: Colors.white), text: Text(‘Make colder’), onTap: () => print(‘Cool package check’); ), FSMenuItem( icon: Icon(Icons.wb_sunny, color: Colors.white), text: ..
Settings UI for Flutter Installing: In your pubspec.yaml dependencies: settings_ui: ^0.2.0 import ‘package:settings_ui/settings_ui.dart’; Basic Usage: SettingsList( sections: [ SettingsSection( title: ‘Section’, tiles: [ SettingsTile( title: ‘Language’, subtitle: ‘English’, leading: Icon(Icons.language), onTap: () {}, ), SettingsTile.switchTile( title: ‘Use fingerprint’, leading: Icon(Icons.fingerprint), switchValue: value, onToggle: (bool value) {}, ), ], ), ], ) Settings UI supports dark ..
Badges for Flutter Installing: In your pubspec.yaml dependencies: badges: ^1.1.0 import ‘package:badges/badges.dart’; Basic Usage: Badge( badgeContent: Text(‘3′), child: Icon(Icons.settings), ) Animations: BadgeAnimationType.slide BadgeAnimationType.scale BadgeAnimationType.fade Chips: Sometimes you may want to use chip but it’s too big, even if set padding to zero. This is where Badge comes handy. Chip( backgroundColor: Colors.deepPurple, padding: EdgeInsets.all(0), label: Text(‘BADGE’, ..
???????? Restaurant app UI KIT Flutter representation of a full Restaurant app UI KIT. Star⭐ the repo if you like what you see????. Images are from Unsplash ???? ScreenShots Some screenshots below Light Dark Download Flutter representation of a full Restaurant app UI KIT Source Code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter ..
responsive_scaffold View the online demo here! On mobile, it shows a list and pushes to details and on a tablet it shows the List and the selected item. Online Demo: https://fluttercommunity.github.io/responsive_scaffold/ Getting Started 3 Column Layout example Responsive Layout Follows Material Design Layout Docs. Here is a demo on various sizes. Example import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ..
Flutter Custom Chat UI Hi! The goal of project is to provide the custom flutter chat ui with beautiful design. This is pure front-end based coding with flutter. UI Screens There are three simple beautiful screens. Splash Screen Recent Chat Screen Chat Screen UI Snapshots Download A flutter custom chat app UI Source Code on ..
Onehour A time tracking app built using Flutter Screens First Header Second Header Tech Stack Flutter Flutter Bloc with Hydrated Bloc Firebase Admob Features Track time for all your task. Offline Support. Social Logins (Google, Facebook) Light & Dark theme support. Ads configured using remote config. Getting Started Fork repository and clone your fork locally ..
GetFlutter is a 100% Free Flutter open source UI library that is build to make flutter development easier than ever. GetFlutter has 1000+ pre-build widgets that you could reuse to build both Flutter Web or Mobile app development. Table of contents Screenshot Quick start Features Demo Contributing Bugs and feature requests Documentation Copyright and license ..
image_sequence_animator A simple widget for animating a set of images with full custom controls as an alternative to using a GIF file. If you have a GIF file you would like to use with this package, I recommend EZGIF to convert your GIF file to an image sequence. It is highly recommended to read the ..
peek_and_pop Peek & Pop implementation for Flutter based on the iOS functionality of the same name. Finally, the v1.0.0 release! More fluent, more optimized and more beautiful than ever. Very customizable and very easy to use. It is highly recommended to read the documentation and run the example project on a real device to fully ..
cupertino_stackview A very easy-to-use navigation tool/widget for having iOS 13 style stacks. It is highly recommended to read the documentation and run the example project on a real device to fully understand and inspect the full range of capabilities. Media | Description | Installation | How-to-Use Media Watch on Youtube: Description The “StackView” system, as ..
Flutter Europe conference app Deploy to Firebase Tests Deploy to stores This is a repository of Flutter Europe official conference app. Agenda Ticket Dark Mode Different layouts Google Play AppStore Getting Started This simple conference app allows: displaying the agenda of the event adding and showing favorite talks showing details of the talk and speaker ..