Dashboard and discord bot that monitor XCH farms



A web dashboard that allows you to monitor your Chia farm and sends notifications when blocks are found and new plots are completed through a discord bot. It can link multiple farmers/harvesters to your account.


The farmr client collects local stats about your farm and it is available for Windows, Linux and macOS here. The dashboard can be found in farmr.net. Alternatively, you can interact with the bot in Swar’s Chia Community discord server. You must be in this server to receive notifications.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
    • Updating
  • Commands
  • Usage
    • Pools
      • FoxyPool
      • HPool
    • Configuration
      • Forks
      • Options
  • FAQ
  • Donate
  • Developer Compiling


Proceed with the following platform-specific instructions:


  1. Download farmr-windows-amd64.zip from the latest release and extract it to an empty folder.
  • If you’re setting up a farmer/full-node (need to have at least 1 farmer/full-node linked to your account)
    1. Open farmer.exe, once you see the main screen with your id and farmer stats you’re good to go.
    2. Link your device to your discord account as shown in First Time
  • If you’re setting up a harvester
    1. Open harvester.exe, once you see the main screen with your id and harvester stats you’re good to go.
    2. Link your device to your discord account as shown in First Time

Do not run both farmer.exe and harvester.exe in the same PC at the same time!

Ubuntu (16.04+), and other amd64 Linux distros

  1. Download farmr-linux-amd64.tar.gz from the latest release and extract it to an empty folder.
  2. Open the following file:
    • If you’re setting up a farmer/full-node Open farmer.sh, once you see the main screen with your id and farmer stats you’re good to go.
    • If you’re setting up a harvester Open harvester.sh, once you see the main screen with your id and harvester stats you’re good to go.
  3. Link your device to your discord account as shown in First Time

If you’re on ubuntu and can’t open farmer.sh or harvester.sh from file explorer you can run this command:

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences executable-text-activation ask

Then reopen file explorer in the folder where farmr-linux-amd64.tar.gz was extracted to. You should be able to double click farmer.sh or harvester.sh and let it “Run in terminal” when asked to.

Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi and other arm64/aarch64 Linux distros

  1. Download farmr-linux-aarch64.tar.gz from the latest release and extract it to an empty folder.
  2. Open the following file:
    • If you’re setting up a farmer/full-node Open farmer.sh, once you see the main screen with your id and farmer stats you’re good to go.
    • If you’re setting up a harvester Open harvester.sh, once you see the main screen with your id and harvester stats you’re good to go.
  3. Link your device to your discord account as shown in First Time

macOS (use Rosetta for m1 devices)

  1. Download farmr-macos-amd64.tar.gz from the latest release and extract it to an empty folder.
  2. Open the following file:
    • If you’re setting up a farmer/full-node Open farmer.sh, once you see the main screen with your id and farmer stats you’re good to go.
    • If you’re setting up a harvester Open harvester.sh, once you see the main screen with your id and harvester stats you’re good to go.
  3. Link your device to your discord account as shown in First Time


To update, repeat Installation instructions again with the latest release. If you wish to keep its settings, move config.json from the previous installation folder to the new folder. Similarly, you may keep the previous cache file by doing the same with .farmr_cache.json. This file is hidden in Linux/macOS.

First time

The farmr client will generate an id for your device. After you’ve logged in to farmr.net, you can link this device by clicking on “Add device” in the upper right corner of the dashboard, where you can copy and paste the random id (e.g.: e134104c-0e2e-49e0-a832-985c5a5e4516) and then click “Add”.


Alternatively, you can link this device to your discord account by heading to Swar’s Chia Community and sending the following message:

!chia link [your-client-id]

The client will save your id in its cache file (.farmr_cache.json), so you only need to run this command once per device. Mind you that you will need to do this again if this file gets deleted/corrupt.


My farmer/harvester doesn’t have plots. Can I still use farmr?

Yes, your client will add itself when chia completes a plot.

If the client crashes:

Is your chia farm running?

You can check this by running chia farm summary, if it shows “Status: Farming”, then it is.

Are your plot drives mounted?

If they’re not, then mount them.

Does your user have permission to access the folders where plots are stored?

farmr will not be able to list your plots if their folder was mounted as root.

What if I have two or more farmers?

Run one of them as a farmer and the others as harvesters.

Help, I linked the same device twice and it’s showing two devices.

Inactive clients will expire after 15 minutes.


Are you going to steal my keys?

No. The only commands issued by farmr client is chia farm summary for farmer stats, chia wallet show for wallet balance parsing and chia show -c to count how many peers are connected to your full node. It does not use Chia’s RCP servers, therefore it doesn’t even need your private key.

How can I trust you?

This project is open-source, so you don’t have to trust me. Read the code yourself 🙂 Besides, every binary is built by a github action and signed with a GPG key.

What data is collected?

You can see the data that’s currently tied to your discord ID with !chia api Your wallet address is not sent to the server so your data remains anonymous (that is, except being linked to your discord ID).

What if I don’t want my data to be stored in your server anymore?

Simple, stop using it. All data will be deleted 15 minutes after your client sent its last report.


@joaquimguimaraes wallet addresses:

XCH: xch1z9wes90p356aqn9svvmr7du8yrr03payla02nkfpmfrtpeh23s4qmhx9q9
ETH: 0x340281CbAd30702aF6dCA467e4f2524916bb9D61
LTC: LWPkaD4P7bKpU28RTV4sP41jnrQ3NMDs5y
ADA: addr1q8uw5jh3q0eujj6gqngrdgvr7r6gvqj5qv6tsp77d6usgcv6jehyxjelvffwv53r0avad874vk6snsq3tmmj7z27w73s9kxdkv
USDC (ERC20/BEP20): 0x340281cbad30702af6dca467e4f2524916bb9d61
USDT (ERC20/BEP20): 0x340281cbad30702af6dca467e4f2524916bb9d61
USDT (TRC20): TFddaDuxHUFvtuhLtwodQmNB4ZjJRc4P8k
BNB: 0x340281cbad30702af6dca467e4f2524916bb9d61
BTC: 1Gdzsx6VjZrDxP43y1pgkNMZGsyL357odS
BTC (BEP20): 0x340281cbad30702af6dca467e4f2524916bb9d61


Dashboard’s structure based on the work by Abu Anwar MD Abdullah @abuanwar072/Flutter-Responsive-Admin-Panel-or-Dashboard, licensed under MIT license.

Poppins font designed by Indian Type Foundry, Jonny Pinhorn, licensed under Open Font License.

Icons by Google and Material Design Icons

This project is not affiliated with Chia Network™.

Download Dashboard and discord bot source code on GitHub