This project is an example of Firebase authentication in a flutter. This project shows how to implement a full authentication flow in Flutter, using sign Up with email and password, sign in with email and password, and reset password.
It aims to be a reference implementation. Think of it as “authentication done right”.
Project goals
This project shows how to:
- Sign up with an email and password.
- Sign in with that email and password.
- Reset password.
- use appropriate state management techniques to separate UI, logic, and Firebase authentication code
- handle errors and present user-friendly error messages
- write production-ready code following best practices
Feel free to use this in your own projects.
NOTE: This project will be kept up to date with the latest packages and Flutter version._
Platforms supported
Features and Plugins used
Null safety
firebase_core: ^1.6.0
firebase_auth: ^3.1.1
provider: ^6.0.0
Authentication features
Email & Password Sign In.
Email & Password Sign Up.
Reset Password.
Application features
Form to enter email and password for signing-in the user.
Button to toggle sign-up view.
Button to navigate to forgot password page.
Sign-up Page
Form to enter a name, email, and password for signing up the user.
Button to toggle sign-in view.
Forgot Password Page
Form to enter email for resetting the password.
Button to navigate to the sign-in page.
Download Firebase authentication app source code on GitHub
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