Flutter Flow Chart

  Chart, Flutter App, packages, Packages


A #Flutter package that let you draw a flow chart diagram with different kinds of customizable elements.

Flutter Flow Chart

A package that let you draw a flow chart diagram with different kinds of customizable elements. Dashboards can be saved for later use.


See online example here


  • diamond, rectangle, oval, storage, parallelogram elements
  • elements can be customizable with background, border and text color, border thickness, text size and weight.
  • interactively connect elements
  • save/load dashboard


First create a Dashboard:

Dashboard dashboard = Dashboard();

then crete the [FlowChart] widget where you can react to the user interactions:

    dashboard: dashboard,
    onDashboardTapped: ((context, position) {}),
    onDashboardLongtTapped: ((context, position) {}),
    onElementLongPressed: (context, element) {},
    onElementPressed: (context, element) {},
    onHandlerPressed: (context, position, handler, element) {},
    onHandlerLongPressed: (context, position, handler, element) {},

then use the dashboard variable to add, remove, resize etc. elements or load/save the dashboard.

In the example, the StarMenu package is used to easily interact with user inputs.

The Dashboard

The Dashboard object contains all the methods described below used to interact with the flow chart.

relevant methodsdescription
setGridBackgroundParamsset grid background parameters
setHandlerFeedbackOffsetset the feedback offset to help on mobile device to see the end of arrow and not hiding behind the finger when moving it
setElementResizableset the element as resizable. A handle will be displayed on the bottom right and will disappear when finish resizing
addElementadd a FlowElement to the dashboard
removeAllElementsremove all elements
removeElementConnectionremove the given handler connection of the given element
removeElementConnectionsremove all the connections from the given element
removeElementByIdremove all the elements with the given id from the dashboard
removeElementremove the given element
addNextByIdmake a connection from the given sourceElement to the elements with the given id
saveDashboardsave the dashboard into the given file path
loadDashboardclear the dashboard and load the new one

The FlowElement

The FlowElement defines the element kind with its position, size, colors and so on.

positionOffsetThe position of the FlowElement
sizeSizeThe size of the FlowElement
textStringElement text
textColorColorText color
textSizedoubleText size
textIsBoldboolMakes text bold if true
kindElementKindElement shape: enum {rectangle, diamond, storage, oval, parallelogram}
handlersListConnection handlers: enum {topCenter, bottomCenter, rightCenter, leftCenter}
handlerSizeSizeThe size of element handlers
backgroundColorSizeBackground color of the element
borderColorSizeBorder color of the element
borderThicknessSizeBorder thickness of the element
elevationSizeShadow elevation
nextListShadow elevation
relevant methodsdescription
setIsResizingWhen setting to true, a handler will disply at the element bottom right to let the user to resize it. When finish it will disappear.
setTextSet element text
setTextColorSet text color
setTextSizeSet text size
setTextIsBoldSet text bold
setBackgroundColorSet background color
setBorderColorSet border color
setBorderThicknessSet border thickness
setElevationSet elevation
changePositionChange element position in the dashboard
changeSizeChange element size


Add an element to Dashboard

Dashboard dashboard = Dashboard();

/// Define 2 elements
FlowElement element1 = FlowElement(
    /// position in the local dashboard coordinates
    position: const Offset(100, 100),
    /// element size
    size: const Size(100, 100),
    /// text to show
    text: 'diamond',
    /// rectangle, diamond, storage, oval or parallelogram element kind
    kind: ElementKind.diamond,
    /// which handler to make active
    handlers: [
FlowElement element2 = FlowElement(
    position: const Offset(300, 100),
    size: const Size(100, 150),
    text: 'rect',
    kind: ElementKind.rectangle,
    handlers: [
/// Add the element to Dashboard

/// Connect right handler of element1 
/// to the left handler of element2
        thickness: 1.5,
        color: Colors.Black,
        startArrowPosition: Alignment.centerRight,
        endArrowPosition: Alignment.centerLeft,

/// Save/load dashboard
Directory appDocDir =
    await path.getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();



Download the Flutter Flow Chart package source code on GitHub
