On-Board Me
A flutter package that helps you create on-boarding screen for your project with minutes just by passing a few parameters.
Why We Build?
Can you build an On-boarding screen within minutes for your app? This is where we help you do that.
Import this class
import 'package:onboardme/src/on_boarding_me.dart';
Add the On-Boarding screen
OnboardingMe( /// Number of Pages for the screens numOfPage: 5, /// No of colors you want for your screen noOfBackgroundColor: 4, /// List of background colors => In descending order bgColor: [ Color(0xFF3594DD), Color(0xFF4563DB), Color(0xFF5036D5), Color(0xFF5B16D0), ], /// List of Call-to-action action ctaText: [ 'Skip', 'Get Started' ], /// List that maps your screen content screenContent: [ { "Scr 1 Heading" : "Screen 1 Heading Goes Here", "Scr 1 Sub Heading" : "Screen 1 Sub Heading Goes Here", "Scr 1 Image Path" : "assets/images/onboarding0.png", }, { "Scr 2 Heading" : "Screen 2 Heading Goes Here", "Scr 2 Sub Heading" : "Screen 2 Sub Heading Goes Here", "Scr 2 Image Path" : "assets/images/onboarding1.png", }, { "Scr 3 Heading" : "Screen 3 Heading Goes Here", "Scr 3 Sub Heading" : "Screen 3 Sub Heading Goes Here", "Scr 3 Image Path" : "assets/images/onboarding2.png", }, ], /// Bool for Circle Page Indicator isPageIndicatorCircle: true, /// Home Screen Route that lands after on-boarding homeRoute: '/Home/', );
- You can customize your on boarding screens with content and styling.
- Add new on boarding screens
The project is open for contribution. Anyone willing to code fresh on-boarding screens, customize content for users will be welcomed.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -m ‘Add some feature’)
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request
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