Flutter Screen Lock

  Authentication, packages, Packages, Screen

Short Intro: Provides the ability to lock the screen on ios and android. Biometric authentication can be used in addition to passcode.

This Flutter plugin provides an feature for screen lock. Enter your passcode to unlock the screen. You can also use biometric authentication as an option.


A detailed API description will be provided later. Only tentatively necessary information is provided.


  • By the length of the character count
  • You can change Cancel and Delete widget
  • Optimizes the UI for device size and orientation
  • You can disable cancellation
  • You can use biometrics (local_auth plugin)
  • Biometrics can be displayed on first launch
  • Unlocked callback
  • You can specify a mismatch event.
  • Limit the maximum number of retries


You can easily lock the screen with the following code.
To unlock, enter correctString.


If you give the same input as correctString, it will automatically close the screen.

import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/functions.dart';

  context: context,
  correctString: '1234',

Change digits

Provides a screen lock that cannot be canceled.

import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/functions.dart';

  context: context,
  correctString: '1234',
  canCancel: false,

Confirmation screen

You can display the confirmation screen and get the first input with didConfirmed if the first and second inputs match.

import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/functions.dart';

  context: context,
  correctString: '',
  confirmation: true,
  didConfirmed: (matchedText) {

Control the confirmation state

import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/functions.dart';
import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/input_controller.dart';

final inputController = InputController();

  context: context,
  correctString: '',
  confirmation: true,
  inputController: inputController,

// Release the confirmation state at any event.

Use local_auth

Add the local_auth package to pubspec.yml.


It includes an example that calls biometrics as soon as screenLock is displayed in didOpened.

import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/functions.dart';
import 'package:local_auth/local_auth.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

/// Method extraction to call by initial display and custom buttons.
Future<void> localAuth(BuildContext context) async {
  final localAuth = LocalAuthentication();
  final didAuthenticate = await localAuth.authenticateWithBiometrics(
      localizedReason: 'Please authenticate');
  if (didAuthenticate) {

  context: context,
  correctString: '1234',
  customizedButtonChild: Icon(
  customizedButtonTap: () async {
    await localAuth(context);
  didOpened: () async {
    await localAuth(context);

Full customize

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/configurations/input_button_config.dart';
import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/configurations/screen_lock_config.dart';
import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/configurations/secret_config.dart';
import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/configurations/secrets_config.dart';
import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/functions.dart';
import 'package:flutter_screen_lock/screen_lock.dart';

  context: context,
  title: Text('change title'),
  confirmTitle: Text('change confirm title'),
  correctString: '1234',
  confirmation: true,
  screenLockConfig: ScreenLockConfig(
    backgroundColor: Colors.deepOrange,
  secretsConfig: SecretsConfig(
    spacing: 15, // or spacingRatio
    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(40),
    secretConfig: SecretConfig(
      borderColor: Colors.amber,
      borderSize: 2.0,
      disabledColor: Colors.black,
      enabledColor: Colors.amber,
      height: 15,
      width: 15,
      build: (context, {config, enabled}) {
        return SizedBox(
          child: Container(
            decoration: BoxDecoration(
              shape: BoxShape.rectangle,
              color: enabled
                  ? config.enabledColor
                  : config.disabledColor,
              border: Border.all(
                width: config.borderSize,
                color: config.borderColor,
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(10),
            width: config.width,
            height: config.height,
          width: config.width,
          height: config.height,
  inputButtonConfig: InputButtonConfig(
      color: Colors.orange,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
    buttonStyle: OutlinedButton.styleFrom(
      shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(),
      backgroundColor: Colors.deepOrange,
  cancelButton: const Icon(Icons.close),
  deleteButton: const Icon(Icons.delete),

API References

screenLock / ScreenLock API

contextBuildContext(Required) [screenLock] only
correctStringString(Required) Input correct String
If [confirmation] is true, it will be ignored, so set it to any string or empty.
screenLockConfigScreenLockConfigScreenLockConfig()Refer to the API of ScreenLockConfig
secretsConfigSecretsConfigSecretsConfig()Refer to the API of SecretsConfig
inputButtonConfigInputButtonConfigInputButtonConfig()Refer to the API of InputButtonConfig
canCancelbooltruetrue is show cancel button. (Default: true)
confirmationboolMake sure the first and second inputs are the same.
digitsintSet the maximum number of characters to enter when [confirmation] is true.
maxRetriesint00 is unlimited.
For example, if it is set to 1, didMaxRetries will be called on the first failure.
didUnlockedvoid Function()Called if the value matches the correctString.
didErrorvoid Function(int retries)Called if the value does not match the correctString.
didMaxRetriesvoid Function(int retries)Events that have reached the maximum number of attempts.
didOpenedvoid Function()For example, when you want to perform biometric authentication. [screenLock] only
didConfirmedvoid Function(String matchedText)Called when the first and second inputs match during confirmation.
It is possible to receive the matched text as an argument.
customizedButtonTapFuture<void> Function()Tapped for left side lower button.
customizedButtonChildWidgetChild for bottom left side button.
footerWidgetAdd a Widget to the footer.
cancelButtonWidgetChange the child widget for the cancel button.
deleteButtonWidgetChange the child widget for the delete button.
titleWidgetHeadingTitle(text: ‘Please enter passcode.’)Change the title widget.
confirmTitleWidgetHeadingTitle(text: ‘Please enter confirm passcode.’)Change the confirm title widget.
inputControllerInputControllerControl the confirmation state change on the outside.

ScreenLockConfig API

backgroundColorColorSpecifies the background color of the screen. By default, themeData will be set.

SecretsConfig API

spacingdoubleAbsolute space between secret widgets.
If specified together with spacingRatio, this will take precedence.
spacingRatiodouble0.05Space ratio between secret widgets.
paddingEdgeInsetsGeometryEdgeInsets.only(top: 20, bottom: 50)padding of Secrets Widget.
secretConfigSecretConfigSecretConfig()Refer to the API of SecretConfig

SecretConfig API

widthdouble16Widget width.
heightdouble16Widget height.
borderSizedouble1.0border size.
borderColorColorColor(0xFFFFFFFF)border color.
enabledColorColorColor(0xFFFFFFFF)Fill color when input is active.
disabledColorColorColor(0xFFFFFFFF)Fill color for unentered.

InputButtonConfig API

heightdoubleMediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.6 * 0.16Button height.
widthdoubleMediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.22Button width.
autoSizebooltrueAutomatically adjust the size of the square to fit the orientation of the device.
inputStringsList<String>[‘0′,’1′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’6′,’7′,’8′,’9’]A string to be matched against correctString.
displayStringsList<String>[‘0′,’1′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’6′,’7′,’8′,’9’]The string to be displayed on the screen.
styleButtonStyleIt is recommended that you use [OutlinedButton.styleFrom()] to change it.
textStyleTextStyleChanges the text style of the button.

Download Flutter Screen Lock package source code on GitHub
