Functional extensions to Dart collections

  List, packages, Packages, Plugin


A set of extension methods for Dart collections, designed for the purpose of making it easier to write concise, functional-programming-styled Dart code.

Working on an Iterable for example, with collection_ext, we can write:

iterable.forEachIndexed((i, x) => /* use index i & element x */)

instead of:

var i = 0;
for (var x in iterable) {
  // use index i & element x


Import all extension methods at once:

import 'package:collection_ext/all.dart';

  children: getItems()
    .mapIndexed((i, item) => Text("#$i ${item.title}"))

Or you can import the needed module only, for example:

import 'package:collection_ext/iterables.dart';

final diff = [2, 4, 6].foldRight(0, (x, acc) => x - acc);

Available Modules

???? See API Docs for more details

I’m working on more useful extensions, PRs are welcome! ????????

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