How to build a Math-3 game, like Candy Crush, Bejeweled, FishDom… in Flutter.
Source code of the article available on didierboelens.com
Step by step explanation
A full explanation on how to build such game may be found on my blog.
Some icons such as tnt, rocket, mine and wall come from https://pngtree.com/.
Sounds come from https://freesound.org/.
Background images come from https://www.freepik.com.
Colored tile icons are under license (I bought it). So please do not reuse them.
Note about the source code
Please note that my objective was not a release of the game. Therefore, there are still things that are not fully implemented or tested. Also, the structure of the code could be very much improved but this was not part of my objectives.
Also, if the source code might give you ideas to build your own game, I will be more than happy… simply let me know…
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