Open protocol for connecting Apps to mobile wallets


WalletConnect is an open source protocol for connecting decentralised applications to mobile wallets with QR code scanning or deep linking. A user can interact securely with any Dapp from their mobile phone, making WalletConnect wallets a safer choice compared to desktop or browser extension wallets.


WalletConnect connects mobile & web applications to supported mobile wallets. The WalletConnect session is started by scanning a QR code (desktop) or by clicking an application deep link (mobile).

WalletConnect-Dart-SDK is a community SDK and port of the official WalletConnect-monorepo.

warning At the moment, only Algorand is supported!

WalletConnect lets you build:

  • Decentralized web applications and display QR codes with qr_flutter
  • Mobile dApps with deep linking using url_launcher
  • Cross-platform wallets

Once installed, you can simply connect your application to a wallet.

// Create a connector
final connector = WalletConnect(
    bridge: '',
    clientMeta: PeerMeta(
      name: 'WalletConnect',
      description: 'WalletConnect Developer App',
      url: '',
      icons: [



Initiate connection

// Create a connector
final connector = WalletConnect(
    bridge: '',
    clientMeta: PeerMeta(
      name: 'WalletConnect',
      description: 'WalletConnect Developer App',
      url: '',
      icons: [

// Subscribe to events
connector.on('connect', (session) => print(session));
connector.on('session_update', (payload) => print(payload));
connector.on('disconnect', (session) => print(session));

// Create a new session
if (!connector.connected) {
    final session = await connector.createSession(
        chainId: 4160,
        onDisplayUri: (uri) => print(uri),

Sign transaction

// Set a default walletconnect provider

// Sign the transaction
final txBytes = Encoder.encodeMessagePack(transaction.toMessagePack());
final signedBytes = await connector.signTransaction(
    params: {
      'message': 'Optional description message',


Initiate connection

// Create a connector
final connector = WalletConnect(
    uri: 'wc:8a5e5bdc-a0e4-47...TJRNmhWJmoxdFo6UDk2WlhaOyQ5N0U=',
    clientMeta: PeerMeta(
      name: 'WalletConnect',
      description: 'WalletConnect Developer App',
      url: '',
      icons: [

// Subscribe to events
connector.on('connect', (session) => print(session));
connector.on('session_request', (payload) => print(payload));
connector.on('disconnect', (session) => print(session));

Manage connection

// Approve session
await connector.approveSession(chainId: 4160, accounts: ['0x4292...931B3']);

// Reject session
await connector.rejectSession(message: 'Optional error message');

// Update session
await connector.updateSession(SessionStatus(chainId: 4000, accounts: ['0x4292...931B3']));

Kill session

await connector.killSession();


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Contributing & Pull Requests

Feel free to send pull requests.

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Download source code on GitHub