P2P payment solution using Stream’s Flutter SDK and Rapyd’s Wallet API

  Payment Gateway, Wallet

Peer-to-peer payment integration to a messaging app using Flutter moneybag

This project shows how to integrate a peer-to-peer payment solution to your Stream Chat using Rapyd’s Wallet API with the help of Flutter.

App in action

Project structure building_construction

The lib directory contains the Dart code of the Flutter app, it is distributed in the following directories:

  • screens: contains all the Flutter app screens
  • widgets: contains various widgets which are used inside the screens
  • utils: contains the utility classes for connecting to the Wallet API
  • models: contains the model classes for easy storing of API data
  • res: contains the color palette used in the app

Requirements test_tube

Some prerequisites to run this project:

  • Flutter 2 with null safety enabled (it is tested on Flutter v2.2.3): You can install it from the Flutter website.
  • Setup Stream account: You can sign up for a Stream account at getstream.io, and get the free trial of Stream’s Chat Messaging by going here.
  • Setup Rapyd account: You can sign up for a Rapyd account here, and enable their Sandbox mode.

Usage man_technologist

For building and running this project locally, follow the steps below:

  • Clone this repository:git clone https://github.com/sbis04/stream_payment.git
  • Navigate to the project directory:ch stream_payment
  • Get Flutter dependencies:flutter pub get
  • Create a secrets.dart dart file inside the lib directory with the following content:// Stream secrets const STREAM_KEY = ‘stream-key-here’; const USER_TOKEN = ‘stream-user-token-here’; // Rapyd secrets const RAPYD_ACCESS_KEY = ‘rapyd-access-key-here’; const RAPYD_SECRET_KEY = ‘rapyd-secret-key-here’;You can generate the Stream user token from here.
  • Run the app:flutter run

Source code on GitHub
