Composition Rendering A graphics engine for creating 2D games. Composition Rendering is not a game engine. Creating objects based on composition and painting on canvas. This solution can be used as part of a third-party game engine. The functions of creating game scenes and managing graphic objects in the action scene are at your disposal. ..
Flutter Best Practices A re-modding of the Flutter 2.5 Skeleton App Template into something that really equally shows flutter best practices in DevOPS, OOP, and UX. Why? Because the end customers, App Users and Employers expect a mature full-grown developer and designer. This is designed to teach the best practices in flutter app dev and ..
Tic-Tac-Toe A simple mobile game built with Flutter Don’t forget to give a star if you like this project Note: This repository is still under development and I will continue to add more features to it! Table of Contents General Info Preview Screenshots Getting Started Features Technologies General Info The purpose of this project was to ..
Geolocation System Technologies and Features Flutter Flutter Modular It gave Mobx Flutter Maps Reverse Geocoding Polylines Freight Calculation by Location Warning: For security reasons, the file with the OpenRouteService access key has been removed, so if you make a clone of the repository be aware that you need to create an account and configure it. ..
open_route_service This package is an encapsulation/wrapper made around openrouteservice API for Dart and Flutter projects. The package enables the easy integration of the openrouteservice API with relevant data models, for generation of Routes and Directions on Maps, Isochrones, Time-Distance Matrix, Pelias Geocoding, POIs, Elevation, routing Optimizations etc, using their amazing API. Contribute to openrouteservice API by donating to ..
light_color_picker5 A new Flutter Application to control self build lamps for my personal use. You need extra hardware & software for getting this project running. This is just the code of the App. Download Light Color Picker source code..
Installation Usage How To Run Clone this repo Run flutter packages get Run flutter run (remember open simulator or connect physical device, iOS auto run additional command pod install) | | | | | | | | | | | | License Download Messaging App source code..
A fitness app fetching data from Json built on flutter. This app contains the following features: Introduction Screen Giving a brief overview of the fitness app Home page List view containing a variety of exercises a user may choose from Exercise start page A timer which a user can configure how long he wants to ..
A simple calculator A simple calculator app made with Flutter Download calculator mobile app source code..
WallHalla WallHalla is a wallpapers apps made with flutter and Unsplash API Features High-Quality Wallpapers from Unsplash Download the ones you like Search walls by keywords choose from collections & topics you like screenshots Download wallpapers app source code..
Firebase-authentication This project is an example of Firebase authentication in a flutter. This project shows how to implement a full authentication flow in Flutter, using sign Up with email and password, sign in with email and password, and reset password. It aims to be a reference implementation. Think of it as “authentication done right”. Project ..
Weather App A simple fully working weather app with state management build using flutter. This application will tell you real-time weather in an organized and beautiful way. This application uses: State management Build-in Animations API management Dismissable Cards Realtime Location Management NOTE To make it work generate the key by clicking on OpenWeatherAPI link and ..
Toasta Simple, Smooth & Elegant toast libary for Flutter on all Platform. Inspired by iOS. Github Repo iOS Android Web Demo How to use Step 1: Add to pubspec.yaml Step 2: Wrap your MaterialApp to ToastaContainer class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return ToastaContainer( // Wrap your app by ..
bloc_app Login with BLoC (Cubit) Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance ..
Introduction A Flutter Application for taking appointment from the doctor and keeping track of the status This is the admin version of the App which will be used for keeping track of the patients and updating the status of their appointement. you can also find the client side app here Features Keep track of the no. ..
Exaflorer – a filemanager created using flutter this project might be discontinue in the future, cause by the lack of feature to gain a native permission related I/O in mountable storage such as SDcard and Flashdisk Exaflorer is a file manager application built using the flutter framework Instalation And SetUp Please clone this repository first Open your terminal make sure ..
In this app , user can check his BMI by providing his basic details. Appstate/Shaedstate has been used is in the app to maintain the states. VelocityX VxState Font Awesome Font Awesome FLutter Screenshot License Installation Usage How To Run Clone this repo Run flutter packages get Run flutter run (remember open simulator or connect physical device, iOS ..
Ethereum-Blockchain-Solidity-Metamasak-SmarContract-Web3 In this app user can check balance ,deposit and withdraw its purchased Lucifer Coin from his Ethereum balance account by the Ethereum Network as per Ethereum latest Gas fees, NOTE:- Lucifer coin is just an user created token , It is not availabe to trade on any Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform ETHEREUM NETWORK Solidity HTTP WEB3 Json Data METAMASK SMART CONTRACTS ..
joy_app A new Flutter project. Our Goal The objective of this tutorial is to introduce you to the core programming concepts that will form the foundation of most of the apps you’ll build in the future. This app will teach you how to make apps with functionality using setState() inside Stateful Flutter widgets. What you ..
Borderhacks Introduction A Flutter Application for taking appointment from the doctor and keeping track of their status This is the client version of the App which will be used for taking appointment from the doctors registered on the app and keeping track of their status. you can also find the admin side app here Features take ..
Flutter-App-Theme The idea of the application is to help understand the implementation of the material design in Flutter. Inspired by session of Material Theming with Flutter Flutter Interact ’19. Download this theme source code on GitHub
imaterial_pro_flutter This flutter package allows you to use the IMaterial Pro Icons. Installation In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line: imaterial_pro_flutter: ^1.0.0 Usage import ‘package:imaterial_pro_flutter/imaterial_pro_flutter.dart’; class MyAwesomeWidget extends StatelessWidget { Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Card( child: Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ Icon(IMaterialProRegular.Power, size: 50.0), const SizedBox(height: 30.0), Text(‘Location icon’, textAlign:, ], ), ..
Flutter-awesome-login-page-animated-fastCode 🐱👤 Fast code and awesome design-ui for Login Page ! Getting Started # First you need to add simple_animations 4.0.0 Or + in the dependency at pubspec.yaml: Get New Version of simple_animations in .Here ! Two you need to remove comment in the dependency at pubspec.yaml: To And add this Also !! Download this app ..
This was an app I produced thinking about recovering my flutter skills (now flutter 2.0) and training API requests.The API I used for this one was Animechan \ Project Name: Anime QuotesFramework: Flutter 2.5.1Language: DartPlugins used:-http-clipboard-share Project Screenshots Download source code..
Backover Let’s give our backyard a makeover! 25 out of 30 people are usually pretty unhappy about how their backyard looks. Even if some people like it at first, they don’t know how to maintain it. Having a beautiful backyard is very crucial. You might not believe it but it has so many benefits. Healthwise, ..
Amazon-Redesign Video Dwonload Amazon Redesign UI source code on GitHub
#Requirements #1.Android Studio #2.Intall Flutter ใน Android Studio #3.Dart, Kottlin in Android Studio #Emulator for simulating a phone It must be installed in Android Studio because it doesn’t come with it in the first place. #How to Run #1.Clone this project onto the device. #2. Open Android Studio and File > Open > Project Address. #//This ..
P2P Audio Room A simple audio room using peer to peer technology with WebRTC mesh network. Download the app from here Here I have used:- flutter_webrtc for peer to peer connection. A signalling server running A public STUN/TURN server Screenshots Download P2P Audio Room app source code..
Todo App A Flutter application developed to add todo tasks and handles it I used Sqflite as a local database to store all the tasks I used flutter_slidable package to make task item slidable and can be dismissed I used Bloc as a state management feel free to contact me for any updates or fixes ..
Git Assistant Assists you to use git and .git in easy and simple way with robust API. Features Implemented Command generator and executor Generates command sequence var git = Git(); print(git.log.prettyOpt(PF.oneline)); // ‘git log –pretty=oneline’ print(git.log); // ‘git log’ Executes command sequence var git = Git(); // Executes ‘git log –pretty=tformat:commit hash = %H’ and ..
contextualized Context is a HashMap with shadowing (inherits parent values) and helpers to work with Types as keys Installation pubspec.yaml: dependencies: contextualized: ^1.0.0 Example class A { const A(this.value); final int value; } class B { const B(this.value); final int value; } const key = A(42); const value = B(15); typedef Factory<T> = T Function(); final ..
audio_chat A Flutter project to replicate audio chat functionality as seen in popular instant messaging applications. Dependencies The project makes use of the following open source packages just_audio – To interact with audio files from application document storage. font_awesome_flutter – Font Awesome provides a great set of Icon to use in your application. permission_handler – A package to ..
Project img : Home screen Splash screen Logo another img another img another img Note !! : Please include your photos to show Download Flutter Facebook Clone app source code..
cupertinew Experimental and work in progress A collection of pixel-perfect iOS-styled components and properties for Flutter, following the official guidelines. About the Cupertinew project Last updated: 2021-09-28 Reasoning Cupertinew is a Flutter project that spawned out of a desire to create a set of pixel-perfect iOS-styled components and properties for Flutter. While support for widgets ..
Features translation without context Translation Loaders json yaml dart even Api or any data source translation Pluralization Gender Arguments Nested translation ‘validation.too_short’ App auto RTL – LTR based on the current locale reloading the app automatically productivity – avoiding bugs automatically save the last preferred language – no shared prefs – detecting a duplicate or a missing ..
DChisel Dart Framework DChisel is simple Dart Framework for creating REST API Features Custom host server and port GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH Routes ORM CRUD to PostgreSQL Usage To add the dchisel to your Dart application read the install instructions. Host Server Default host is “localhost” and port 8000 import ‘package:dchisel/dchisel.dart’; Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) async { ..
GifView Load GIF images and can set framerate Features With GifView you can load GIF images of easy way and can configure frameRate. Load from Assets; Load from Network; Load from Memory; Set frame rate; Listen when start (onStart), change frame (onChange) and finish (onFinish) animation. Set progress while loading GIF Getting started Add gif_view as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Usage GIF from ..
Project img : Home screen Splash screen another img another img another img Note !! : Please include your photos to show Download Flutter Instagram Clone app source code..
Hacktoberfest 2021 Hosted by DigitalOcean for the 8th year in a row, Hacktoberfest encourages participation in giving back to the open source community by completing pull requests, participating in events, and donating to open source projects. Alert Check and before contributing. Instructions Follow the given steps : Register yourself for hacktoberfest Registrations will start from 1st October ..