Pure Dart Client for Nakama Server


Nakama Flutter Client star_struck video_game earth_africa artificial_satellite

Nakama is an open-source scalable game server. This is a Flutter client for Nakama written in pure dart and supports cross platform gaming on iOS, Android, Web and more.

vertical_traffic_light Current Status

Almost all basic functions which are necessary to start playing around with Nakama are ready to use. Please feel free to give your feedback with creating an issue. I am currently working on getting a 100 % coverage with this SDK.

rocket Getting Started

1. Setup Nakama Server

You need a Nakama instance for developing. I suggest setting up Nakama with Docker Compose. You find a tutorial here: Install Nakama with Docker Compose and here Installation & Setup.

2. Add flutter_nakama to pubspec.yaml.

name: your_game
        sdk: flutter
    flutter_nakama: ^0.1.0

3. Create nakama base client

final client = getNakamaClient(
  host: '',
  ssl: false,
  serverKey: 'defaultkey',
  grpcPort: 7349, // optional
  httpPort: 7350, // optional

4. Use the SDK

For example start with logging into an user account:

final session = await getNakamaClient().authenticateEmail(
    email: 'foo@bar.de',
    password: 'mySecurePassword!',

print('Hey, you are logged in! UserID: ${session.userId}');
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