Shopify admin rest api demo project.
We are try to use riverpod as state management to improve widget rebuilding performance. May be at some place we can also improve more performance but for the demo purpose i ignore that. You can learn more about riverpod form the official page. And let us know you view point on riverpod and which state management you like.
In future we will try to use storefront graphQL api to add more functionality.
To run this app you need to replace api key and storefront url in lib/utility/key_util.dart file
static String token = ""; static String baseUrl = "";
Android APK
State Management Package
Other Helper Packages
- cached_network_image
- flutter_spinkit
- flutter_svg
- carousel_slider
- flutter_html
- dio
- pretty_dio_logger
- shared_preferences
- intl
- tuple
- collection
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