SImple Note App, using Hive and Flutter

  Notes App


This is an old project I was working on when learning to use Hive, will start working on it full time and will be adding new features as soon as possible.

You can download the app from Play Store Here

Any contribution will be accepted if it meets what is needed, Thanks.

If you this error “Google Service Json Not Found”

Please if you cloned the repo and have error saying, “Google Service json file not found, you need to create a firebase project and add in the Android App Project folder”

Plugin’s Used

  1. Hive (To locally store Data)
  2. Toast (To display useful message)
  3. Path Provider
  4. upgrader (To alert users when app has a new update)
  5. Provider (For State management)
  6. Shared Preferences (To Persist some values)

Download Note App source code on GitHub