Features translation without context Translation Loaders json yaml dart even Api or any data source translation Pluralization Gender Arguments Nested translation ‘validation.too_short’ App auto RTL – LTR based on the current locale reloading the app automatically productivity – avoiding bugs automatically save the last preferred language – no shared prefs – detecting a duplicate or a missing ..
Category : Packages
Swipe Deck A simple Flutter Package to Mimic iMessage Image Picker for Flutter Current Features Add List of Widgets to present them in a Swipable Deck Basic Customizations Widget Demo Usage To Use, simply Wrap the Widget you want to add Focused Menu to, with FocusedMenuHolder: body: Container( child: SwipeDeck( startIndex: 3, aspectRatio: 4 / ..
Multi Image Tracker A flutter package which makes it easy to track a series of images. Installation In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line: dependencies: multi_image_tracker: <latest version> Usage Import this class import ‘package:multi_image_tracker/multi_image_tracker.dart’; multi image tracker MultiImageTracker( images: [Image.asset(‘assets/day1.jpg’), Image.asset(‘assets/day2.jpg’), Image.asset(‘assets/day3.jpg’)], width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height, clipFactor: 0.6, ), Download Multi Image Tracker package ..
About: A Flutter package for using Jalali (Shamsi, Solar, Persian or Jalaali) calendar. You can convert, format and manipulate Jalali and Gregorian (Miladi) dates. This is a pure dart package and Algorithm is based on popular JavaScript library jalaali-js with more than 20k monthly downloads. This package has a lot of unit tests with high test coverage ..
neon_circular_timer Make a timer application with a fancy neon effect and beautiful UI v0.0.3 and above now the timer has also a neumorphic border Preview of example Usage NeonCircularTimer( width: 200, duration: 20, strokeWidth: 10, textFormat: TextFormat.MM_SS, isTimerTextShown: true, neumorphicEffect: true, textStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline3, outerStrokeColor: Colors.grey.shade100, fillGradient: LinearGradient(colors: [ Colors.greenAccent.shade200, Colors.blueAccent.shade400 ]), neonGradient: LinearGradient(colors: [ Colors.greenAccent.shade200, Colors.blueAccent.shade400 ..
csc_picker A flutter package to display a country, states, and cities. In addition it gives the possibility to select a list of countries, States and Cities depends on Selected, also you can search country, state, and city all around the world. How to Use To use this Package, add csc_picker as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml. CSCPicker( onCountryChanged: ..
Dashed Rect This package allows you to draw dotted lines with Flutter. You can draw a beautiful dotted line. Screenshots Usage Example To use this package : add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file. dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter dashed_rect: ^0.0.3 How to use Container( color: Colors.red, height: 600, width: 300, child: const DashedRect( color: Colors.grey, gap: 1, ..
Do you ever want to pub run build_runner build into another branch? This is your ticket. Install $ pub global activate peanut Run $ cd ~/my_dart_proj/ $ peanut This will build your project into a temporary directory, and then it will update the local gh-pages branch with its contents. Flutter Flutter apps can be built by running peanut with ..
flutter_incoming_call A Flutter plugin to show incoming call in your Flutter app! Alpha version(not ready for production!) Usage To use this plugin: Configure android project: Just add to your manifest activity and receiver. Configure Flutter plugin: Listen events: Call api: Demo ios ios (Lockscreen) Android Android (Lockscreen) Example Check out the example in the example ..
Advanced Icon A flutter package which contains collection of icon decoration tools such as gradient, opacity and icon transition feature with cool animation effects. See live example. Installing With flutter run this command flutter pub add advanced_icon This will add a line like this to your package’s pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get): dependencies: advanced_icon: ..
sura_flutter A flutter package from AsurRaa for widgets and utility functions Migrate from 2.x to 3.x BREAKING CHANGE: remove FutureManager, AsyncSubjectManager, FutureManagerBuilder All manager class now has a separate package dependencies: sura_manager: any Installation Add this to pubspec.yaml dependencies: sura_flutter: ^0.4.2 Widgets Widget Description SuraRaisedButton Custom ElevatedButton with loading notifier SuraBadge Small badge like notification ..
Short Intro: Provides the ability to lock the screen on ios and android. Biometric authentication can be used in addition to passcode. This Flutter plugin provides an feature for screen lock. Enter your passcode to unlock the screen. You can also use biometric authentication as an option. Attention A detailed API description will be provided ..
Fludex A very basic manga reader made using flutter and mangadex API. It uses the mangadex_library package. A few things to remember The app only supports windows at the moment. Android and other platforms can be compiled too, just remember that it’s never tested on those devices so, it might become a nightmare when you look ..
From JSON to Dart Advanced Table of Contents Features Convert from clipboard Convert from selection Convert from clipboard to code generation Convert from selection to code generation Convert from file Annotations Speed up converting Enhanced file names Context actions The Syntax toString method copyWith method Equality Operator Equatable Null safety Supported Generators Freezed JSON Serializable ..
realtime-dart Listens to changes in a PostgreSQL Database and via websockets. A dart client for Supabase Realtime server. Usage Creating a Socket connection You can set up one connection to be used across the whole app. import ‘package:realtime_client/realtime_client.dart’; var client = RealtimeClient(REALTIME_URL); client.connect(); Socket Hooks client.onOpen(() => print(‘Socket opened.’)); client.onClose((event) => print(‘Socket closed $event’)); client.onError((error) => print(‘Socket ..
flutter_switch An easy to implement custom switch created for Flutter. Give it a custom height and width, border for the switch and toggle, border radius, colors, toggle size, a choice to display an ‘On’ and ‘Off’ text and able to add an icon inside the toggle. Demo Video version: https://youtu.be/JqJnxjE6Efc Use this package as a library ..
Home Widget HomeWidget is a Plugin to make it easier to create HomeScreen Widgets on Android and iOS. HomeWidget does not allow writing Widgets with Flutter itself. It still requires writing the Widgets with native code. However, it provides a unified Interface for sending data, retrieving data and updating the Widgets iOS Android Platform Setup In order ..
SMHI Open Data for Dart A Dart package for usage of the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute’s Open Data API. The API allows you to get the weather and other meterological data like air temperature & pressure. At the time of writing this, the Meteorological Forecasts API is available in the following countries: Sweden Norway Finland ..
Short Intro: Imgix is a CDN service with support for realtime image processing and optimization. This package helps developers generate imgix image url. imgix_core_dart Imgix package for Dart. Imgix is a CDN service with support for realtime image processing and optimization. See also https://docs.imgix.com https://github.com/imgix/imgix-blueprint Install dependencies: imgix_core_dart: 1.0.0 Usage import ‘package:imgix_core_dart/imgix_core_dart.dart’; void main() { ..
Flutter Thepeer This package makes it easy to use the Thepeer in a flutter project. Screen Shots How to Use plugin ThePeer Send Launch ThepeerSendView in a bottom_sheet import ‘package:thepeer_flutter/thepeer_flutter.dart’; void launch() async { await ThepeerSendView( data: ThePeerData( amount: 10000, firstName: ‘$firstName’, receiptUrl: ‘$receiptUrl’, publicKey: ‘$publicKey’, userReference: ‘$userReference’, ), showLogs: true, onClosed: () { Navigator.pop(context); ..
fluent_ui Design beautiful native windows apps using Flutter Unofficial implementation of Fluent UI for Flutter. It’s written based on the official documentation You can check the web version of it here Content Motivation Installation Badge Style Icons Colors Accent color Brightness Visual Density Typograpy Font Type ramp Reveal Focus Motion Page Transitions Navigation Navigation View App Bar Navigation ..
sweetalertv2 sweetalertv2 for flutter. Showcases Getting started Add dependency Usage Basic usage With a subtitle With a success state With a confirm state Do some job Special Thanks best-flutter (initial project) Download this package source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with GitHub repository. flutterapp..
flutter_number_animation With this package you can display numbers or any other text more nicely Preview Works with text too! How to use Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: flutter_number_animation: ^0.0.6 Add NumberAnimation Widget wherever you need! NumberAnimation(‘123456789’), You can also set the TextStyle and time between each slides NumberAnimation(‘123456789’, textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 60, color: ..
App Feedback A Flutter package for getting app feedback from users. It provides the utility to display feedback form depending upon the requirement. Feedback form can be displayed instantly at any time or after certain period of time. Download Demo App How to use this package 1. Add library to pubspec.yml dependencies: app_feedback: ^0.0.2 2. ..
flutter_text_field_fab A simple Flutter widget that makes turning a FAB into a text field easy. Installation dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_text_field_fab: <last-version> Features Simple slide animation Custom icon Custom coloring Example Simple Usage import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘package:flutter_text_field_fab/flutter_text_field_fab.dart’; class SomeListView extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( floatingActionButton: TextFieldFloatingActionButton( ‘Search…’, Icons.gamepad, onChange: (String ..
Additional sources Medium Article about FieldSuggestion – Autocomplete fields in Flutter Installing See the official installing guidline from – field_suggestion/install Usage & Overview Make ready your home widget by creating required options for FieldSuggestion. final textEditingController = TextEditingController(); // And List<String> suggestionList = [ ‘test@gmail.com’, ‘test1@gmail.com’, ‘test2@gmail.com’, ]; // Or List<int> numSuggestions = [ 13187829696, 13102743803, 15412917703, ..
Flutter Bitmap A minimalist Flutter package to perform fast bitmaps operations. The focus here is to provide a cool bitmap manipulation interface. The package standard format is RGBA32. Bitmap uses the Dart FFI to perform operations such as contrast, brightness, saturation, and exposure. For now, things like format encoding, EXIF and multi-frame images are not the concern of ..
flutter_walkthrough A new Flutter package for both android and iOS which helps developers in creating animated walkthrough of their app. Show some and star the repo to support the project Screenshots Usage Example To use this package : add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file. dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_walkthrough: How to use class TestScreen extends StatelessWidget { ..
supabase_flutter Short Intro: Flutter integration for Supabase. This package makes it simple for developers to build secure and scalable products. Flutter package for Supabase. What is Supabase Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. We are a service to: listen to database changes query your tables, including filtering, pagination, and deeply nested relationships (like GraphQL) create, ..
well_formed Short Intor: A Flutter form field package designed to relieve developers of much of the form-related coding. It provides field masking, validation, smart trimming, and more. Contents Overview Getting Started Demo application Overview Well-Formed Widget Fields — Well-Formed is a form field package designed to relieve developers of much of the form-related coding. This ..
lan_scanner Dart / Flutter package that allows discovering network devices in local network (LAN). Note: This library is intended to be used on Class C networks. This project is a rework of already existing ping_discover_network, however it is no longer maintained. pub.dev page | API reference Getting Started Add the package to your pubspec.yaml: lan_scanner: ^2.0.0 Import the library: import ‘package:lan_scanner/lan_scanner.dart’; Create an ..
Flutter is getting more popular as cross-platform app development. Since it has been growing day-by-day we are getting more valuable packages, libraries, and framework that really help full for us. Here we are listing top 10 Flutter pacakes that have been suggest throuh the users on our Flutter App Development LinkedIn page. 1. flutter_bloc: Shot ..
statistics Statistics package for easy and efficient data manipulation with many built-in mathematical functions and units. Usage Numeric extension: import ‘package:statistics/statistics.dart’; void main() { var ns = [10, 20.0, 30]; print(‘ns: $ns’); var mean = ns.mean; print(‘mean: $mean’); var sdv = ns.standardDeviation; print(‘sdv: $sdv’); var squares = ns.square; print(‘squares: $squares’); } OUTPUT: Statistics import ‘package:statistics/statistics.dart’; ..
Swipe Image Gallery A scrollable, dismissable by swiping, zoomable, rotatable image gallery on which you can add a dynamic overlay. While it is intended for an image gallery different types of widgets can also be used. Installation Add swipe_image_gallery as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Usage With a List of Image Widgets final assets = const [ ..
feature_flags This package simply allows you to activate dynamically functionnalities of your app. Usage Setup Wrap your app’s widget in a Features widget. Features( child: MaterialApp( /// … ), ); Testing if a feature is enabled To test is a feature is currently enabled, use the Features.isFeatureEnabled function with a unique functionnality identifier. if (Features.isFeatureEnabled(context, ‘DECREMENT’)) { /// The ..
dev_icons This flutter package allows you to use all the Dev Icons. You can view the icons catalog on devicon.dev Installation In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line: dev_icons: ^1.0.0 Usage import “package:dev_icons/dev_icons.dart”; class MyAwesomeWidget extends StatelessWidget { Widget build(BuildContext context) { return IconButton( icon: Icon(DevIcons.flutterPlain), onPressed: () { print(“Best cross platform framework”); } ); } ..
Fancy Containers Fancy container package lets you add a beautiful gradient container to your Flutter app. Installation Add the latest version of package to your pubspec.yaml (and rundart pub get): dependencies: fancy_containers: ^0.0.1 Import the package and use it in your Flutter App. import ‘package:fancy_containers/fancy_containers.dart’; Example There are a number of properties that you can ..
Flutter Mono ** This is an unofficial SDK for flutter This package makes it easy to use the Mono connect widget in a flutter project. Screen Shots How to Use plugin Launch MonoFlutter with launchMono method import ‘package:flutter_mono/flutter_mono.dart’; void launch() async { await MonoFlutter.launchMono( context, key: ‘Your Public Key’, // from https://app.withmono.com/apps onClosed: () { ..
Flame Scrolling Sprite Flame Scrolling Sprite is a Flame package to make it easy to render sprites that scrolls and repeat itself forever given a velocity. This can be used to create things like an scrolling background, or even create scenes, bellow you can see one example of this: This package can be used by using the ..
Flutter Launcher Icons A command-line tool which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app’s launcher icon. Fully flexible, allowing you to choose what platform you wish to update the launcher icon for and if you want, the option to keep your old launcher icon in case you want to revert back sometime in the ..