Flutter-awesome-bottom-navigation-bar đ±âđ€ Fast code and awesome design-ui for flutter navigation bar Getting Started # First you need to add flashy_tab_bar 0.0.3 in the dependency at pubspec.yaml: Basic Usage # Add this inside your main.dart or your page ! Note From : flashy_tab_bar in pub.dev !! đ±âđ€ made with algeria Download this design UI source code..
Week 2 View Voucher Page & Create Voucher Page Week 3 View Voucher Page (Update), Create / Modify Voucher Page (Update), Notification Page (New), Add Applicable Goods Page (New) Week 4 Add Firebase in View Voucher Page, Create / Modify Voucher Page, Add Applicable Goods Page Add Applicable Goods Page (Update), View Voucher Page (Update), ..
RICOH THETA SC2 Live Preview Tester For V/Z1, see my other project using dio as the HTTP library. Save Frames to Disk for Inspection Use Within Flutter Usage create a stream (for Flutter, it is easier to use StreamController pass stream to library specify number of frames to capture listen to stream and either write ..
Swipe Deck A simple Flutter Package to Mimic iMessage Image Picker for Flutter Current Features Add List of Widgets to present them in a Swipable Deck Basic Customizations Widget Demo Usage To Use, simply Wrap the Widget you want to add Focused Menu to, with FocusedMenuHolder: body: Container( child: SwipeDeck( startIndex: 3, aspectRatio: 4 / ..
Technical architecture components Clean Architecture Dart rule analyze: pedantic State management: flutter_bloc Dependency injection: get_it Network: dio Unit test: Mockito Run Build Release Android: iOS: Refer https://github.com/ResoCoder/flutter-tdd-clean-architecture-course https://geekysingh.medium.com/clean-architecture-for-enterprise-flutter-application-dc254a71059 https://github.com/trunghieuvn/flutter-clean-architecture https://github.com/vantrung8794/flutter_code_base Download Flutter Clean Architecture source code..
A tidy utility to handle cache of your flutter app like a Boss. It provides support for both iOS and Android platforms (offcourse). Installing dependencies: cache_manager: ^<latest_version> Awesome Features Cache Utilities CacheManagerUtils.conditionalCache({key, valueType, actionIfNull, actionIfNotNull}) Conditional builder based on the value of cache. actionIfNull & actionIfNotNull are dynamic arguments used for Navigation through views, Rendering UI, Debugging values etc. ..
Quiz App This is a basic personality quiz app made using flutter and dart. The app has been developed only for practice purposes but it does implements most basic dart and flutter features. Just fork the repository and start testing your personality. App Screenshots Welcome Screen This Screen Shows Your Personality personality_quiz_app A new Flutter ..
Currency_Converter Running About this Project a Flutter project that does real-time currency conversion. Functionalities -The APP includes API with Json to show updated currency value. Download Currency Converter app source code..
uts_181021450006 A new Flutter project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance ..
Food Recipe App In Flutter Using API’S Recipe App in Flutter Short Intro: Recipes app in flutter using API to get data. Amazing Recipes app UI in Flutter using dart with simple widgets. Demo OutPut Images Download Food Recipe App source code..
Color-Game Color picking game with time limit. Made with Flutter. Download Color picking game app source code..
Hangman Hangman game that tests your general knowledge skills. Mobile Download .apk file on release file Just Install it and Enjoy Web Play on this web https://hangman.zerachiuw.my.id Screenshots Download Hangman app source code..
I’m starting my flutter journey with this simple QuizApp đ There are some screenshots of my first app : Quiz : Result : Download Quiz App source code..
calculator-imc-flutter A flutter body weight index (BMI) calculator is created for the HIA course. Download BMI calculator app source code..
Flutter-Animation List Animated Staggered Animations GridView ListView Column Getting Started # First you need to add flutter_staggered_animations 1.0.0 Or + in the dependency at pubspec.yaml: Get New Version of flutter_staggered_animations Check in .Here ! Import # Basic Usage # For List.builder For List Manual List Generate Note From : flutter_staggered_animations in pub.dev !! Note : This Package dont Support ..
waether_app Donate some crypto Dai = 0x4186571c034fB122089d86583cfB1c85d5C7C6f4BNB bnb1cxzqucsycqt3ktgztlpm8gywg9w8eh6mxpad0w Pay me via Trust Wallet:Â https://link.trustwallet.com/send?coin=714&address=bnb1cxzqucsycqt3ktgztlpm8gywg9w8eh6mxpad0w Download waether app source code..
Easy Hack This project is made as part of IBM ISL Good Tech Scholar program 2021. This Application makes laws accessible to common man. Problem Statement There are more than a 1000 laws in our country. A number of them affect us directly or indirectly. It doesnât take a few moves to realize that we ..
my_company A flutter app that uses authentication in firebase. Screenshots Download source code..
MegaLinks Megalinks is an android app where we provide free resources available for video editing, like Scenepacks, project files of the big editor, tutorials, etc. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first ..
bstevr_assessment BSTEVR Assessment. How To Run You can run this Flutter app through Android Studio by simply opening the project and tapping the run button. Also you can run tests inside the project by simply using command below: Contents The app has two screens and one unit test. Screens: Alphabet Tree Unit Testing: Assessment Details ..
Cool 3D Drawer Animated With flutter part 1 Getting Started You need to import this in our file Download source code..
Cool 3D Drawer Animated With flutter part 2 Getting Started First you need to add flutter_zoom_drawer 2.1.1 Or + in the dependency at pubspec.yaml: Get it from Here . Also You need to add this : Documentation Download Cool 3D ANIMATED DRAWER source code..
Overview This is the Zuri Chat Android app project repository handled by TEAM SOCRATES, written with pure Flutter. NB: Always contact Team leads before attempting any task except assigned to. All team members must adhere to the following instructions while working on this project. Make sure you understand the project architecture before proceeding with any task. Project Description ZuriChat is a ..
Project Violet Open Source Hentai Viewer App Screenshots âąÂ Download âąÂ User Manual âąÂ docs Community Leave any questions on the github issue or on the Discord channel below. Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/fqrtRxC Sub Projects Violet Server – Real-time statistics provided by collecting user behavior libviolet – Native multithread downloader for android, ios hsync – Very fast metadata synchronizer Code Refactoring Plan Violet is my first ..
udemy_flutter A new Flutter application. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance ..
Course App – Flutter Hi! this is my course app created in flutter. I hope you enjoy! I developed this app in order to learn some more techniques, widgets and code structuring, the App consists on a UI of courses that pulls data from a database, I hope you like it. Home Screen Course Screen ..
NoteBox A simple note mobile application for Andorid and iOS, to users can easily create and save personal notes in smart phone, this application created in flutter for ui design and functions, all CRUD Operations applying with API JSON which is developed on PHP (Codeigniter Framework). Highlighted Feature Login/Signup Forget Password (via SMTP Server) Dashboard ..
flutter_unity_widget Flutter unity 3D widget for embedding unity in flutter. Now you can make awesome gamified features of your app in Unity and get it rendered in a Flutter app both in fullscreen and embeddable mode. Works great on Android, iPad OS and iOS. There are now two unity app examples in the unity folder, ..
Flutter Chat app using MQTT. The Broker should install HiveMQ Chat-Extension first. Screenshots Login Rooms Chat Profile Contact details Media messages Features Login Send & receive messages Typing indicator Send Files Persist User, Messages and rooms using local database ChatMarker (In Progress) Invite a user to chat Group Chat Presence File Previews (PDF and images Done) Push ..
Noise meter Sound meter. Made with Flutter. Null safety Dependencies Name Link noise_meter https://pub.dev/packages/noise_meter syncfusion_flutter_charts https://pub.dev/packages/syncfusion_flutter_charts url_launcher https://pub.dev/packages/url_launcher google_fonts https://pub.dev/packages/google_fonts Download Noise meter app source code..
biyi_app Biyi is a convenient translation and dictionary app written in dart / Flutter. View document “Biyi” (æŻèŻ) is the Chinese word for “Comparison + translation”. Platform Support Linux macOS Windows Download biyi app source code..
About: A Web API developed using Dart as backend, which hosts the data from a local json file. A server app built using Shelf, configured to enable running with Docker. This sample code handles HTTP GET requests to /api and returns a JSON response from a local file. So how does it work ? The dart code reads data ..
Skype Clone Cloned Skype App using Flutter & Firebase Installation Steps Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/Rohit19060/skype_clone.git Go into the Project Directory Install dependencies flutter pub get Run the app flutter run/Flutter run –release Available Commands Install dependencies flutter pub get Run the app flutter run/Flutter run –release Built with Flutter Firebase Directory Structure main.dart: ..
Multi Image Tracker A flutter package which makes it easy to track a series of images. Installation In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line: dependencies: multi_image_tracker: <latest version> Usage Import this class import ‘package:multi_image_tracker/multi_image_tracker.dart’; multi image tracker MultiImageTracker( images: [Image.asset(‘assets/day1.jpg’), Image.asset(‘assets/day2.jpg’), Image.asset(‘assets/day3.jpg’)], width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height, clipFactor: 0.6, ), Download Multi Image Tracker package ..
Animated Navigation Bar A Flutter implementation of a customizable navigation bar with animations. Getting started Add the following dependency in the pubspec.yaml of your Flutter project : dependencies: … animated_navigation_bar: Import the package : import ‘package:animated_navigation_bar/animatedNavBar.dart’; If you need help getting started with Flutter, head over to the official documentation documentation. Constructors You can create an AnimatedNavBar by calling its ..
About: A Flutter package for using Jalali (Shamsi, Solar, Persian or Jalaali) calendar. You can convert, format and manipulate Jalali and Gregorian (Miladi) dates. This is a pure dart package and Algorithm is based on popular JavaScript library jalaali-js with more than 20k monthly downloads. This package has a lot of unit tests with high test coverage ..
Personal Portfolio This project made with Flutter and hosted in the website. About Website This website is built taking the screen into account. It adjusts different layout for desktop version, mobile portrait version and mobile landscape version. This website unlike other flutter websites handles the cursor when hovered at a button or clickable. Build the website ..
neon_circular_timer Make a timer application with a fancy neon effect and beautiful UI v0.0.3 and above now the timer has also a neumorphic border Preview of example Usage NeonCircularTimer( width: 200, duration: 20, strokeWidth: 10, textFormat: TextFormat.MM_SS, isTimerTextShown: true, neumorphicEffect: true, textStyle: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline3, outerStrokeColor: Colors.grey.shade100, fillGradient: LinearGradient(colors: [ Colors.greenAccent.shade200, Colors.blueAccent.shade400 ]), neonGradient: LinearGradient(colors: [ Colors.greenAccent.shade200, Colors.blueAccent.shade400 ..
Speed Coding – Nubank This project aims to reproduce the interface of the Nubank app’s home screen. As always, there is no sponsorship involved and no outside investment in any way. The purpose of this repository is purely for studies. Getting Started clone the project execute command flutter pub get run the project Download Nubank home screen ..
luizdebank demo2.mp4 Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, ..