Stream-based strongly typed GraphQL client for Dart


A simple, powerful GraphQL Client for Flutter and Dart

Documentation book


  1. white_check_mark Fully Typed: work faster and safer with compile time checks and IDE autocomplete, including fully typed Cache reads and writes.
  2. arrows_counterclockwise Built-In Code Generators: automatically generated immutable data classes for all your GraphQL Operations and Fragments, based on your schema.
  3. globe_with_meridians Customizable Network Interface: highly customizable network interface using gql_link, allowing you to compose and extend Links.
  4. sparkles Normalized Optimistic Cache: keep data in sync with cache normalization and update your UI instantly with optimistic data.
  5. floppy_disk Multiple Data Stores: extensible Store interface with built-in MemoryStore and HiveStore (which uses hive for offline persistence).
  6. page_facing_up Refetch & Pagination: easily update responses with new data or combine multiple responses, allowing for seamless pagination.
  7. iphone Flutter Widgets: Widgets for Queries, Mutations, and Subscriptions, available out of the box.


This repo is a monorepo for ferry and related packages.

versionpackage:ferryStream-based GraphQL Client
versionpackage:ferry_cacheNormalized, strongly typed, optimistic cache
versionpackage:ferry_execStrongly typed GraphQL execution interface
versionpackage:ferry_flutterFlutter Widgets for GraphQL Operations
versionpackage:ferry_generatorDart Type Generator for GraphQL Operations
versionpackage:ferry_storeData Persistence for ferry‘s cache
versionpackage:ferry_hive_storeHive implementation of ferry_store
versionpackage:normalizeNormalization / denormalization of GraphQL data

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