flutter_qjs This plugin is a simple js engine for flutter using the quickjs project with dart:ffi. Plugin currently supports all the platforms except web! Getting Started Basic usage Firstly, create a FlutterQjs object, then call dispatch to dispatch event loop: final engine = FlutterQjs( stackSize: 1024 * 1024, // change stack size here. ); engine.dispatch(); Use evaluate method to run js script, now you ..
Category : Library
extended_tabs A powerful official extension library of Tab/TabBar/TabView, which support to scroll ancestor or child Tabs when current is overscroll, and set scroll direction and cache extent. Web demo for ExtendedTabs extended_tabs Usage ColorTabIndicator Link ScrollDirection CacheExtent Usage dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter extended_tabs: any ColorTabIndicator Show tab indicator with color fill TabBar( indicator: ColorTabIndicator(Colors.blue), labelColor: ..
GraphX™ | rendering | prototype | design | Making drawings and animations in Flutter extremely simple. WARNING: this lib is on alpha stage, the api can change. NOTE: GraphX™ uses the $ prefix convention for all internal and private members (properties and methods). DO NOT call them in your code… is meant to be consumed internally by the lib, it will ..
Flex ColorPicker The Flex ColorPicker is a configurable color picker for Flutter. The ColorPicker can show anywhere from 1 to 6 different color picking tools that you can use to choose colors from. The different color selection choices are: Material primary colors and its shades. ColorPickerSwatch.material Material accent colors and its shades. ColorPickerSwatch.accent Material primary and accent colors and ..
GameBase A flutter application that serves as a front-end application for GameBase. GameBase is a game library that lets you review games and list your favorite games. Demo Current Build Status Authentication is already established, refresh tokens is not yet implemented Tasks The following must be finished by this week October 25, 2020 Home Page ..
Short Intro: It’s OK to love Flutter and hate hand-coding design elements. Parabeac-Core converts design files into Flutter code. Parabeac-Core Parabeac-Core is an open-source repository that converts design files into Flutter code. · Designer Protocol · Understanding the code export · Contribute · Community · Dev.to Special Shout out if you’re here for #HacktoberFest! Double your swag by contributing to Parabeac as one of ..
Flutter FTP Connect Flutter simple and robust dart FTP Connect Library to interact with FTP Servers with possibility of zip and unzip files. Key Features • Examples • License Key Features Upload files to FTP Download files/directories from FTP List FTP directory contents Manage FTP files (rename/delete) Manage file zipping/unzipping Completely asynchronous functions Example upload file ###example 1: import ‘dart:io’; ..
Short Intro: A Dart library for accessing common Win32 APIs using FFI. No C required! A package that wraps some of the most common Win32 API calls using FFI to make them accessible to Dart code without requiring a C compiler or the Windows SDK. Perhaps of as much use as the APIs themselves, this ..
barcode Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate generic drawing operations for any backend. If you are looking to print barcodes, use pub:pdf. If you want to display barcodes in a Flutter application, use pub:barcode_widget. To generate SVG barcodes see the example tab. To generate barcodes in images, use pub:barcode_image. Live example with Flutter Web: https://davbfr.github.io/dart_barcode/ They all ..
Languages: English (this file), Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish,Polish. About Get GetX is an extra-light and powerful solution for Flutter. It combines high performance state management, intelligent dependency injection, and route management in a quick and practical way. GetX has 3 basic principles, this means that this is the priority for all resources in the library PERFORMANCE: GetX is focused ..
Syncfusion Flutter Maps Syncfusion Flutter Maps is a data visualization library written natively in Dart for creating beautiful and customizable maps from GeoJSON data. They are used to build high-performance mobile applications with rich UIs using Flutter. Overview Create a highly interactive and customizable maps widget that has features such as data labels, selection, markers, ..
Syncfusion Flutter Charts Syncfusion Flutter Charts is a data visualization library written natively in Dart for creating beautiful and high-performance charts, which are used to craft high-quality mobile app user interfaces using Flutter. Overview Create various types of cartesian or circular charts with seamless interaction, responsiveness, and smooth animation. It has a rich set of ..
linked_scroll_widgets A lib full of widgets that can react to the scrollController’s offset change,to custom your UI effect. Get started with an simple example: LinkedOpacityWidget: class LinkedOpacityPage extends StatefulWidget { @override _LinkedOpacityPageState createState() => _LinkedOpacityPageState(); } class _LinkedOpacityPageState extends State<LinkedOpacityPage> { ScrollController controller; @override void initState() { super.initState(); controller = ScrollController(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext ..
A library for building REST APIs easily with Dart modeled after Express JS for Node Js. The library is still a work in progress and open to contribution. Created with StageHand – license. Inspiration Our inspiration is the simplicity of express js . Installing Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: sevr: any Usage A simple usage example: import ..
GetWidget is a 100% free Flutter open-source UI library built with Flutter SDK to make Flutter development easier and more joyful than ever. GetWidget has 1000+ pre-built widgets that you can reuse to develop both Flutter mobile app and web apps. Our motto is to provide the best Flutter UI library to the Flutter community to speed up ..
Gravatar An easy-to-use library for generating gravatar image urls in Dart. For more information about Gravatar please visit https://gravatar.com Example Which will return https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/658b1158409b348bb2cb3e5bef734d1b API imageUrl({int size, String defaultImage, bool forceDefault: false, String rating}) Generates an image url size (Imagesize) defaultImage (Url or Kind for the Fallback Image) forceDefault (force the Fallback Image) rating (restrict to appropriate Images) ..
A library for searching for podcasts (via iTunes), parsing podcast RSS feeds and obtaining episodes details. Usage Search for podcasts with ‘widgets’ in the title and find the top podcasts. Both examples limit to 10 results and are set for the United Kingdom: import ‘package:podcast_search/podcast_search.dart’; main() async { var search = Search(); /// Search for ..
flutter_svg Draw SVG (and some Android VectorDrawable (XML)) files on a Flutter Widget. Getting Started This is a Dart-native rendering library. Issues/PRs will be raised in Flutter and flutter/engine as necessary for features that are not good candidates for Dart implementations (especially if they’re impossible to implement without engine support). However, not everything that Skia can easily ..
Functional batteries for Dart programming language. Provides an implementation of Optional, Either and other types + some helper functions. Usage A simple usage example: import ‘package:built_value/built_value.dart’; import ‘package:dfunc/dfunc.dart’; part ‘main.g.dart’; void main() { final items = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’]; print(‘mapped: ${mapIndexed((i, e) => ‘$e$i’, items)}’); // Sealed classes generation: final Base item = Item1((b) => ..
A library for finite state machine realization in Dart. Inspired by Tinder StateMachine library. Usage A simple usage example (using dfunc library for generating sealed classes): import ‘package:dfunc/dfunc.dart’; import ‘package:fsm/fsm.dart’; part ‘fsm_example.g.dart’; void main() { final machine = StateMachine<State, Event, SideEffect>.create((g) => g ..initialState(Solid()) ..state<Solid>((b) => b ..on<OnMelted>( (Solid s, OnMelted e) => b.transitionTo(Liquid(), LogMelted()))) ..state<Liquid>((b) => b ..
touchable ???????? Flutter library to add various gesture callbacks to each Shape you draw on your canvas in your CustomPainter Index : Why Use Touchable ? Installation Usage How it works Road Map Links Why Use Touchable ? The CustomPainter lets you only draw shapes on the canvas. But most would want to let user interact with the drawings. With touchable , you ..
Moor Moor is a reactive persistence library for Flutter and Dart, built ontop of sqlite. Moor is Flexible: Moor let’s you write queries in both SQL and Dart, providing fluent apis for both languages. You can filter and order results or use joins to run queries on multiple tables. You can even use complex sql ..
With cupertino_setting_control you can create a settings page or a simple form very easy. Therefore, cupertino_setting_control offers multiple Cupertino-Widgets which can be used very flexible and abstracted. Quick Usage A few examples: Example for a drop down widget displayed as text field: new SettingRow( rowData: SettingsDropDownConfig( title: ‘Search Area’, initialKey: _searchAreaResult, choices: { ‘Germany’: ‘Germany’, ..
Cupertino buttons which are used as radio buttons in order to select one value. Tutorial A complete tutorial how to use CupertinoRadioChoice can be found here: Tutorial Quick Usage Just fill the required parameters of CupertinoRadioChoice and you’re ready to go, e.g.: CupertinoRadioChoice( choices: {‘male’ : ‘Male’, ‘female’ : ‘Female’, ‘other’: ‘Other’}, onChange: (selectedGender) {}, initialKeyValue: ‘male’) Please refer to ..
Flutter Firebase Picture Uploader This library offers a Picture Upload widget which can be used to upload one or multiple images to your Firebase Storage. With this library the following is possible: Upload one or multiple images via PictureUploadWidget Delete images via PictureUploadWidget Multiple customization options (font size, text, color, etc.) Custom upload or download methods possible ..
Dart A client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform Dart is: Optimized for UI: Develop with a programming language specialized around the needs of user interface creation Productive: Make changes iteratively: use hot reload to see the result instantly in your running app Fast on all platforms: Compile to ARM & x64 machine code ..
flutter_web_howl Howl.js wrapper for Flutter https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_web_howl You can now include Howl.js using initializeHowl() anywhere in your FlutterWeb plugin Then access Howl methods : class Howl { Howl({List<String> src, bool autoPlay = false}); void play(); void pause(); void stop(); HowlState state(); //loading, loaded, undefined double seek([double seek]); void mute(bool mute); bool get playing; double volume([double volume]); double get ..
Import JS Library Import & use javascript libraries in your flutter web projects. flutter: assets: – assets/howler.js importJsLibrary(url: “./assets/howler.js”, flutterPluginName: “audio_plugin_example”); Why Audio library compatible with Flutter Web : https://pub.dev/packages/assets_audio_player Howler.js Audio library for the modern web : https://howlerjs.com/ And after weeks, month, years, eternity later…. How to use it 1. Create your plugin Package https://flutter.dev/docs/development/packages-and-plugins/developing-packages flutter ..
Built Values for Dart Introduction Built Value provides: Immutable value types; EnumClass, classes that behave like enums; JSON serialization. Immutable collections are from built_collection. See the API docs. Articles built_value for Immutable Object Models built_value for Serialization Building a Chat App in Dart End to End Testing in One Short Second with Dart Moving Fast with Dart Immutable Values ..
Flare Flare offers powerful realtime vector design and animation for app and game designers alike. The primary goal of Flare is to allow designers to work directly with assets that run in their final product, eliminating the need to redo that work in code. Libraries There are two Dart packages provided in this repository. flare_dart and flare_flutter. Most of ..
A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern. Overview The goal of this library is to make it easy to separate presentation from business logic, facilitating testability and reusability. Documentation Official Documentation Bloc Package Flutter Bloc Package Angular Bloc Package Migration Upgrade from v0.x to v2.x Dart Counter – an example of how to create a CounterBloc (pure ..
Info: A powerful Flutter chart library, currently supporting Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Scatter Chart. FL Chart ???? A library to draw fantastic charts in Flutter ???? Chart Types LineChart BarChart PieChart Read More Read More Read More ScatterChart Coming Soon Coming Soon Read More Banner designed by Soheil Saffar, ..