Category : packages

transmission Dart package to talk to a Transmission torrent instance Getting Started Create an instance of Transmission, you can then use it in any data state management you want (bloc, provider, mobx…) final transmission = Transmission( baseUrl: ‘’, enableLog: true, ); By default baseUrl uses http://localhost:9091/transmission/rpc. Once you have that you can simply interact with transmission’s data ..

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Experimental binding generator for FFI bindings. Example For some header file example.h: int sum(int a, int b); Add configurations to Pubspec File: ffigen: output: ‘generated_bindings.dart’ headers: – ‘example.h’ Output (generated_bindings.dart). class NativeLibrary { final DynamicLibrary _dylib; NativeLibrary(DynamicLibrary dynamicLibrary) : _dylib = dynamicLibrary; int sum(int a, int b) { _sum ??= _dylib.lookupFunction<_c_sum, _dart_sum>(‘sum’); return _sum(a, b); } _dart_sum _sum;; ..

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jr_extension An awesome Flutter package with widget extension. Why do I want to create this lib? In SwiftUI framework created by apple,views use modifier to declare what the views look,which makes code readable. But in flutter,we usually use some nested code to setup the properties,making the code very ugly… So today,I create this lib to avoid nested ..

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CustomToggleSwitch A new Flutter package customtoggleswitch is used to toggle a setting between on/off which is true/false respectively Created by suryadevsingh. Demo 1. Depend on it dependencies: customtoggleswitch: any 2. Install it $ flutter pub get 3. Import it import ‘package:customtoggleswitch/customtoggleswitch.dart’; Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to ..

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flutter_text_drawable A flutter package that gives you the flexibility to create and customize text user avatars like Gmail and Contacts. It also provides a TextDrawableListTile widget which wraps around the material ListTile widget to provide easy control when using TextDrawable with a ListTile. Basic Usage Simply add the TextDrawable to your widget tree like so: TextDrawable( text: “Some Text”, ) Respond to Tap Events ..

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Reply  Flutter Reply is an email app that uses Material Design components and Material Theming to create an on-brand communication experience. This project tries to deliver a pixel-perfect implementation of the Reply Material Design Case Study in Flutter. The focus lies on the UI (animation, layout, transition, etc.) and should showcase how powerful Flutter has become as a UI ..

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A library for building REST APIs easily with Dart modeled after Express JS for Node Js. The library is still a work in progress and open to contribution. Created with StageHand – license. Inspiration Our inspiration is the simplicity of express js . Installing Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: sevr: any Usage A simple usage example: import ..

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Motivation Flutter comes with two classes for manipulating “overlays”: Overlay OverlayEntry But OverlayEntry is very awkward to use. As opposed to most of the framework, OverlayEntry is not a widget (which comes with a nice and clean declarative API). Instead, is uses an imperative API. This comes with a few drawbacks: a widget’s life-cycle (like initState) cannot add/remove synchronously an OverlayEntry.This means the first rendering ..

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Welcome to Freezed, yet another code generator for unions/pattern-matching/copy. Motivation While there are many code-generators available to help you deal with immutable objects, they usually come with a trade-off.Either they have a simple syntax but lack features or they have very advanced features but with complex syntax. A typical example would be a “clone” method.Current generators ..

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Provides source_gen Generators to create code for JSON serialization and deserialization. json_serializable Package: Source code The core package providing Generators for JSON-specific tasks. Import it into your pubspec dev_dependencies: section. json_annotation Package: Source code The annotation package which has no dependencies. Import it into your pubspec dependencies: section. checked_yaml Package: Source code Generate more helpful exceptions when decoding YAML documents using package:json_serializable and package:yaml. ..

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mobx.dart MobX for the Dart language. Supercharge the state-management in your Dart apps with Transparent Functional Reactive Programming (TFRP) Introduction Core Concepts Observables Computed Observables Actions Reactions Contributing Introduction MobX is a state-management library that makes it simple to connect the reactive data of your application with the UI. This wiring is completely automatic and feels ..

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Framy A convenient code generator for app styleguide, gallery, wireframes and/or storyboard.  Official documentation  Packages In order to use Framy, you will need two following packages: framy_annotation – A package containing annotation classes. framy_generator – A powerful code generator which creates whole application based on the annotations used. Examples Counter app WeightTracker Idea The idea behind Framy ..

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flutter_otp_text_field Flutter_Otp_Text_Field is a TextField widget to help display different style pin. It supports all the platform’s flutter supports. Feature  allows you to customize the shape of textField in any way you want built-in 2 commonly used pin styles of shape obscure support input decoration support support all the textField properties support Flutter web support Installing  ..

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flutter_native_admob Plugin to integrate Firebase Native Admob to Flutter application Platform supported: iOS, Android Getting Started For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation. Setup Android project Add the classpath to the [project]/android/build.gradle file. dependencies { // Example existing classpath classpath ‘’ // Add the google services classpath classpath ‘’ } Add the apply plugin to ..

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flutter_custom_clippers Flutter package that provides you custom clippers to help you achieve various custom shapes. Usage To use this plugin, add flutter_custom_clippers as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Contributors Damodar Lohani Siddhartha Joshi Screenshot Example import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘package:flutter_custom_clippers/flutter_custom_clippers.dart’; void main() => runApp(MyApp()); class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: HomeScreen(), ..

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Dart OpenApi Code Genenrator openapi_code_builder generates server stubs and client libraries for open api schema yaml files. This is a build_runner library meant to be included in the dev_dependencies of your project to allow generating of dart source files for client and server stubs for OpenAPI 3.0 schema files (Only yaml is supported right now). See directory for an example usage. ..

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Gravatar An easy-to-use library for generating gravatar image urls in Dart. For more information about Gravatar please visit Example Which will return API imageUrl({int size, String defaultImage, bool forceDefault: false, String rating}) Generates an image url size (Imagesize) defaultImage (Url or Kind for the Fallback Image) forceDefault (force the Fallback Image) rating (restrict to appropriate Images) ..

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MultiLevel Drawer An easy to implement Multi-Level Drawer for Flutter Applications. Just use this in place of regular Scaffold Drawer and you are ready to go. Current Features Add MultiLevel Drawer to Selected Items Change Color of Main and Sub menu According to Your Application Needs. Demo Usage To Use, simply add MultiLevelDrawer to your ..

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Foldable Sidebar An easy to implement Foldable Sidebar Navigation Drawer for Flutter Applications. Current Features Initial Release for Foldable Navigation Sidebar Demo Usage To Use, simply add FoldableSidebarBuilder to your Scaffold’s body, as follows: Important Enums: Download Fancy Foldable Sidebar source code on GitHub FlutterappworldProvides the list of the opensource Flutter apps collection with ..

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Info: This is a repository for Flutter Focused Menu, an easy to implement package for adding Focused Long Press Menu to Flutter Applications. Focused Menu This is an easy to implement package for adding Focused Long Press Menu to Flutter Applications Current Features Add Focused Menu to Any Widget you Want Customizations to change The ..

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Social Media Widgets – package A new flutter package for collection of common popular social media widgets Currently available widgets Snapchat screen dismiss – By swiping down Instagram story swipe Adding basic Snapchat screen dismiss Here we are navigating to another screen and applying the Snapchat screen dismiss Adding basic Snapchat screen dismiss with the ..

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http_solver A package help you to make api call and handle error faster, also you can check for internet before call api. Make your model BaseModelForHttpSolver is a abstract class, your model should implements it. class YourModel implements BaseModelForHttpSolver{} Get data from your api getFromApi static method take YourModel and your Api url and return Future and it is have some option parameter checkInternet, headers for ..

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A super-powerful flutter state management library inspired with MVC pattern with very flexible dependency injection. MAJOR UPDATE: v1.1.7 FULL DOCUMENTATION: Recommended Advance Example App Old README can be found here Features Very flexible Dependency Injection to easily instantiate any dependencies once and reuse multiple times across the app. Persistence support for states and routing. Use any storage provider. Time travel (undo/redo) ..

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flutter_cached_pdfview A package to show Native PDF View for iOS and Android, support Open from a different resource like Path, Asset or Url and Cache it. Support Open Pdf From Path Support Open Pdf From Asset Support Open Pdf From URl and Cache it Setup iOS Opt-in to the embedded views preview by adding a ..

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Flutter Ready to Go A Flutter repo with a ready-to-go architecture containing flavors, bloc, device settings, json serialization and connectivity. Why not just fork it and start a new project with some setup done? There is a full article explaining each one of the following subjects: Flavors Flavors in Dart Visually identifying each flavor Identifying ..

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TimelineTile A package to help build customisable timelines in Flutter. Example You can access the example project for a Timeline Showcase. The Beautiful Timelines contains real world design examples. Or try the web demo Some use cases:  Timeline Showcase  Football Timeline  Activity Timeline  Success Timeline  Delivery Timeline  Weather Timeline Getting Started A Timeline consists in a group of TimelineTiles. To ..

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Nepali Utilities for Dart A pure dart package with collection of Nepali Utilities like Date converter, Date formatter, DateTime, Nepali Number, Nepali Unicode, Nepali Moments and many more. Utility Classes NepaliDateTime DateConversion NepaliDateFormat NepaliNumberFormat NepaliUnicode NepaliMoment many yet to come Language Setup Default language for Nepali Utility classes can be set as: void main(){ NepaliUtils(Language.nepali); ..

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Flutter Tagging A flutter package with tagging or multi-select functionality. Useful for adding Tag or Label Selection Forms. List<Language> _selectedLanguages = []; FlutterTagging<Language>( initialItems: _selectedLanguages, textFieldConfiguration: TextFieldConfiguration( decoration: InputDecoration( border: InputBorder.none, filled: true, fillColor:, hintText: ‘Search Tags’, labelText: ‘Select Tags’, ), ), findSuggestions: LanguageService.getLanguages, additionCallback: (value) { return Language( name: value, position: 0, ); ..

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appmetrica_sdk A Flutter plugin for Yandex AppMetrica SDK. Plugin implementation status Implemented Events Profiles Not implemented yet Revenue. Coming soon Crashes Push notifications Multiple reporters support (with different API keys) Deeplinks Usage To use this plugin, add appmetrica_sdk as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. See demonstration how to use the appmetrica_sdk plugin in example section. Documentation Common documentation ..

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mask_text_input_formatter The package provides TextInputFormatter for TextField and TextFormField which format the input by a given mask. Example Check ‘example’ folder for code sample Usage Follow install guide: Import the library: import ‘package:mask_text_input_formatter/mask_text_input_formatter.dart’; Create mask formatter: var maskFormatter = new MaskTextInputFormatter(mask: ‘+# (###) ###-##-##’, filter: { “#”: RegExp(r'[0-9]’) }); Set it to text field: ..

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Json Table Widget This Flutter package provides a Json Table Widget for directly showing table from a json(Map). Supports Column toggle also. Live Demo: Live Data Testing: Features The table constructed isn’t the flutter’s native DataTable. The table is manually coded hence serves a great learning purpose on how to create simple tables manually in ..

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Avatar Glow This Flutter package provides a Avatar Glow Widget with cool background glowing animation. Live Demo:  Installation In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line: dependencies: avatar_glow: <latest version>  Usage Import this class import ‘package:avatar_glow/avatar_glow.dart’; Usage is simple. Avatar Glow is a widget offering different customizable optional parameters with child displayed at its center. ..

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Search Widget        This Flutter package provides a Search Widget for selecting an option from a data list. Provides filtering of items based on the search text.  Installation In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line: dependencies: search_widget: <latest version>  Usage Import this class import ‘package:search_widget/search_widget.dart’; Add Search Widget Accepts data list as input Option for ..

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Animating Location Pin     This Flutter package provides a Animating Location Pin Widget which can be used while fetching device location.  Installation In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line: dependencies: animating_location_pin: <latest version>  Usage Import this class import ‘package:animating_location_pin/animating_location_pin.dart’; Add Adding this widget is simple. Just directly use its instance for default configuration Container( child: ..

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