Category : packages

drag_and_drop_lists Two-level drag and drop reorderable lists. Features Reorder elements between multiple lists Reorder lists Drag and drop new elements from outside of the lists Vertical or horizontal layout Expandable lists Can be used in slivers Easy to extend with custom layouts Usage To use this plugin, add drag_and_drop_lists as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. For example: Now ..

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animate_do An animation package inspired in Animate.css, built using only Flutter animations, no extra packages. Getting Started This package is simple to use. Every single animation contains default values that look beautiful, but you can change properties to accomplish your needs. Properties in almost every animated widget: Property Type Description key Key (optional) Widget key child ..

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Flutter DropdownSearch Flutter simple and robust DropdownSearch with item search feature, making it possible to use an offline item list or filtering URL for easy customization. Key Features • Examples • License Key Features Online and offline items Searchable dropdown Three dropdown mode: Menu/ BottomSheet/ Dialog Material dropdown Easy customizable UI Handle Light and Dark theme Easy implementation into statelessWidget ..

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Short Intro: Fancy pre-built animations that can easily be integrated into any Flutter application. High quality pre-built Animations for Flutter  This package contains pre-canned animations for commonly-desired effects. The animations can be customized with your content and dropped into your application to delight your users. To see examples of the following animations on a device ..

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Draggable Scrollbar A scrollbar that can be dragged for quickly navigation through a vertical list. Additionaly it can show label next to scrollthumb with information about current item, for example date of picture created. Usage You can use one of the three built-in scroll thumbs, or you can create a custom thumb for your own ..

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Colours An extended version of Flutter Colors with more swatches and more flexibility to generate your own custom swatch. Getting Started In your flutter project add the dependency: or reference the git repo directly: Examples Suppose your brand color is #00aa13.  Gojek Brand Color [#00aa13] You can generate your own custom swatch using: It will generate ..

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admob_flutter A Flutter plugin that uses native platform views to show Admob banner ads! This plugin also has support for Interstitial and Reward ads. Installation Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: admob_flutter: “<LATEST_VERSION>” Install it – You can install packages from the command line: flutter pub get Android Specific Setup Update your AndroidManifest.xml ..

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barcode  Barcode generation library for Dart that can generate generic drawing operations for any backend. If you are looking to print barcodes, use pub:pdf. If you want to display barcodes in a Flutter application, use pub:barcode_widget. To generate SVG barcodes see the example tab. To generate barcodes in images, use pub:barcode_image. Live example with Flutter Web: They all ..

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Pdf creation library for dart/flutter  This library is divided into two parts: a low-level Pdf creation library that takes care of the pdf bits generation. a Widgets system similar to Flutter’s, for easy high-level Pdf creation. It can create a full multi-pages document with graphics, images, and text using TrueType fonts. With the ease of ..

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Welcome to Riverpod! This project can be considered as a rewrite of provider to make improvements that would be otherwise impossible. For learning how to use Riverpod, see its documentation: Long story short: Declare your providers as global variables:final myNotifierProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider((_) { return MyNotifier(); }); class MyNotifier extends ChangeNotifier { int count; // TODO: typical ChangeNotifier logic } ..

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Short Intro: Have you been turned into a problem with writing code for Http requests? This package can help. It has all of the Http and model codegen functionality you have been looking for.  Build dart types from Swagger/OpenAPI schemas SwaggerDartCodeGenerator is a code generator that looks for *.swagger files and builds .swagger.dart files, based on the schema. Codegenration ..

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Languages: English (this file), Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish,Polish. About Get  GetX is an extra-light and powerful solution for Flutter. It combines high performance state management, intelligent dependency injection, and route management in a quick and practical way. GetX has 3 basic principles, this means that this is the priority for all resources in the library PERFORMANCE: GetX is focused ..

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Short into: A collapsible sidebar for Flutter apps implementing the Material Design. collapsible_sidebar A collapsible sidebar for Flutter apps implementing the Material Design. Features Material Design Pre-built customizable tile widgets (CollapsibleItems) Smooth Animation Supported platforms Flutter Android Flutter iOS Flutter web Flutter desktop ???? Version 1.0.7+2 ✨  Added ability to handle lists of icons Added ..

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Flutter Material Color Picker  Material Color picker is a Flutter widget, that can be customizable. By default, it’s Material Colors, but you can define your own colors. You can also use CircleColor widget to display color in your app. Example, you can set the color picker in a dialog and display the selected color in ..

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GroupListView package for Flutter. A ListView that allows you to group list items and support headers like iOS UITableView section. Features List Items can be grouped. Support headers for each group. All fields from ListView.builder constructor available. Getting Started Add the package to your pubspec.yaml: group_list_view: ^1.0.6 In your dart file, import the library: import ‘package:group_list_view/group_list_view.dart’; Instead ..

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Country picker A flutter package to select a country from a list of countries. Getting Started Add the package to your pubspec.yaml: country_picker: ^1.0.4 In your dart file, import the library: import ‘package:country_picker/country_picker.dart’; Show country picker using showCountryPicker: showCountryPicker( context: context, showPhoneCode: true, // optional. Shows phone code before the country name. onSelect: (Country country) { ..

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Syncfusion Flutter DataGrid  The Syncfusion Flutter DataGrid is used to display and manipulate data in a tabular view. It is built from the ground up to achieve the best possible performance, even when loading large amounts data. Disclaimer: This is a commercial package. To use this package, you need to have either a Syncfusion commercial license ..

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Syncfusion Flutter Maps  Syncfusion Flutter Maps is a data visualization library written natively in Dart for creating beautiful and customizable maps from GeoJSON data. They are used to build high-performance mobile applications with rich UIs using Flutter. Overview  Create a highly interactive and customizable maps widget that has features such as data labels, selection, markers, ..

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Item Selector for Flutter A generic Flutter item selector that works with ListView, GridView, Row, Column, or basically any parent widget that can have indexed child widgets. It supports single-selection by tap, and multi-selection by long-press and drag with auto-scrolling. Preview ListView GridView Column Custom Usage To use this package, add item_selector as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. ItemSelectionController( ..

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MercadoPago SDK module for Payments integration Usage To use this plugin, add mercadopago_sdk as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. Basic checkout Customized checkout Generic methods Basic checkout Configure your credentials Get your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET in the following address: Argentina: Brazil: México: Venezuela: Colombia: Chile: Instance with only access token Preferences Get an existent Checkout preference Create a Checkout preference Update ..

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build_pubspec This package helps you convert fields from your pubspec.yaml file into Dart code. Based on the fields in your pubspec, this package will generate Dart code so that you can access these fields easily from your Flutter, AngularDart, command-line tool, or backend app. Common use-cases Create command-line apps and fill out the help headline and version commands automatically Create beautiful ..

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flutter_tflite_audio This plugin allows you to use tflite to make audio/speech classifications. Currently supports android, however will update with an IOS version soon. How to add tflite_audio as a dependency: Add tflite_audio as a [dependency in your pubspec.yaml file] How to add tflite model and label to flutter: Place your custom tflite model and labels into the ..

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flag A flag Flutter package for Android / iOS / Web. Mobile Based by , Web Based by ScreenShot svg source Flag list came from UN members. UN Web Site A lot of flag svg files came from wike. such as Antigua and Barbuda Some flag svg files came from Countryflags. fetch data :python file is fetch_data/ Update time: 2020-04-21 23:22:58 Marge from 2.0.X to ..

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Flutter Location Plugin  Short Description: A Flutter plugin to easily handle a realtime location in iOS and Android. Provides settings for optimizing performance or battery. This plugin for Flutter handles getting a location on Android and iOS. It also provides callbacks when the location is changed. Getting Started  Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file: Android  With Flutter 1.12, ..

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GraphView Get it from  Flutter GraphView is used to display data in graph structures. It can display Tree layout and Directed graph. Overview The library is designed to support different graph layouts and currently works excellent with small graphs. You can have a look at the flutter web implementation here: Layouts Tree Uses Walker’s algorithm ..

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fsearch Help developers build the most beautiful search bar. [FSearch] provides developers with a one-stop search bar construction service. Supports borders, corners, gradient background colors and shadows, as well as any number of prefix and suffix action buttons. Provides beautiful Hint animation. Author:Newton( English | 简体中文 Like it? Please cast your Star  !  Features Support beautiful border effect ..

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text_formatters A package of pre-built TextInputFormatter objects to use with Flutter’s TextField or TextFormField widgets. Formatters UppercaseInputFormatter, example ‘THISISMYTEXT’ LowercaseInputFormatter, example ‘thisismytext’ AlternatingCapsInputFormatter, example ‘ThIsIsMyTeXt’ Usage new TextField( inputFormatters: [ UppercaseInputFormatter(), ], ), Dependencies This widget set relies on these external third-party components: groovin_string_masks Changelog Please see the Changelog page to know what’s recently changed. Download text formatters package source code on GitHub ..

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Flutter package to get Instagram user details and download reels videos. How to Use To use flutter_insta, first start by importing the package. import ‘package:flutter_insta/flutter_insta.dart’; Get profile details FlutterInsta flutterInsta = new FlutterInsta(); await flutterInsta.getData(“coding_boy_”); Print Details print(“Username : ${flutterInsta.username}”); print(“Followers : ${flutterInsta.followers}”); print(“Folowing : ${flutterInsta.following}”); print(“Bio : ${}”); print(“Website : ${}”); print(“Profile Image : ..

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crypted_preferences Flutter preferences management with crypto capabilities For now preferences are not crypted, I’m waiting for FFI to land 🙂 But you can still use this package to have multiple preferences files in Desktop, mobile and web. Usage API Get and set preference: Getter have an optional param defaultValue if the preference if not set. dynamic get(key) ..

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proxy_layout Package to select layout per orientation or device size like mobile vs tablet layouts or portrait vs landscape Usage You have two widgets at your disposal, DeviceProxy to use different widget for mobile and tablet devices, OrientationProxy to use different device depending of the device orientation. DeviceProxy DeviceProxy( mobileBuilder: (context) => Text(‘Mobile widget’), tabletBuilder: (context) => Text(‘Tablet widget’), ..

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flare_loading Loading widget based on a Flare animation, allow you to create custom loading widgets or dialogs Usage FlareLoading( name: ‘animation.flr’, startAnimation: ‘intro’, loopAnimation: ‘circle’, endAnimation: ‘end’, ); name: path and name of the flare animation until: callback that return a future to process your initialization isLoading: alternative to until if you want to manage loading state ..

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